Mr. Mueller working a case
Welcome to Our
Homeopathic Telephone Clinic

Our youngest helper busy sorting files

The dispensary on a quiet morning.
What is a "Telephone Clinic" and How Does it Work?
Save Time & Money
From your first inquiry, to each & every follow up consultation, all appointments are performed over the phone, with no travel time or travel expenses involved.
To Get Started
Either go paperless with our secure online New Client Forms, or download our New Client Forms.
- Answer a few questions about your most pressing complaints.
- List of current and discontinued prescriptions and supplements.
- (OPTIONAL) Upload recent photo(s) of yourself, before & after photos, & areas of concern on your body. Submitting a photo(s) is highly recommended and always helpful for your practitioner to pick up on other subtle signs & symptoms that are either hard to describe or too subtle to be noticed by an untrained eye.
- (OPTIONAL) Uploading or emailing videos is a helpful way for us to observe conditions such as seizures, tantrums, gait disturbances, tics, abnormal animal behavior, etc.
- (OPTIONAL) Sometimes it’s helpful to receive a summary of relevant medical records, hospital admissions or diagnosis of the condition being treated.
Don’t Sweat the Details!
Don’t delay treatment because you can’t give us all the information right away. You’ll have time before your first appointment to gather more information. And, you can always add information later on. IF SENDING US INFORMATION IS TOO MUCH FOR YOU, THEN SKIP IT! AFTER YOUR NEW CLIENT FORMS & WAIVER ARE SIGNED, WE CAN GET STARTED!
To Schedule
Once we receive your forms, we’ll call you to make payment arrangements & to set up an initial appointment time with your practitioner of choice.
What Does The Homeopath Need to Know?
The selection of homeopathic medicines depends, to a large part, on how the patients feels – described in his/her words (“I have a burning/stinging sensation from 2am to 4am every night“) and to some degree from outside observations (“during the seizure he arches he trunk backwards and all muscles are stiff“). This information can easily be transmitted over the phone, with additional help from diagnostic and medical information, pictures & videos (if necessary).
What Should I Have With Me At My Appointment?
The most important thing you can bring to your appointment is the desire to heal. That’s not to say that homeopathy will not work if you don’t “believe” in it, or even that homeopathy is placebo!
It’s been our observation that people who are motivated to make positive changes in their lives and who are motivated to heal, will succeed more often & faster than those who don’t.
A Little Preparation
What we find helpful is for you to have a written list of things you wish to discuss during each appointment. Some people even email this to us the day before their appointment.
Keep a Journal
Keeping a special notebook/journal simply dedicated to your homeopathic treatment will be of great benefit to you and your practitioner. You will also want to keep the write-ups you receive from our clinic with every remedy package in this notebook, as well as any other instruction sheets we give you.
Before Each Follow Up
Take some time each day or every several days to write down any changes or new symptoms, and any specifics that make your symptoms stand out. Any changes you notice between appointments will be very helpful. And if you don’t have any, we want to know that, too!
Remember, we WANT to hear all those details that your conventional doctor will pass off as irrelevant. Those little details & observations are far from irrelevant to a homeopath. In fact, they can make the difference between a mild improvement in your symptoms and a large one!
Lifestyle Factors
For some conditions or complaints, giving us details regarding elements of your lifestyle is very helpful. For example diet, personal care products, your occupation & work environment, your pesticide/herbicide exposure, etc.
What Happens During the First Consultation?
The Individualized Treatment Plan
Your practitioner will make an assessment of your constitutional robustness, any sensitivities, possible causative factors and possible sustaining causes. This information will help formulate an individualized treatment plan, including customization of dose (amount taken), etc.
Depending on your condition, the practitioner’s selection of medicaments might include:
- Homeopathic constitutional remedies to be taken once daily, to induce healing and repairative effects in the body;
- “Clearing remedies” (see below under “The Mueller Method™) to remove the influences of past drugs, toxins, vaccines, x-rays, radiation, etc;
- “Immune remedies” called nosodes to boost immunity for certain chronic infections;
- Homeopathic herbal tinctures for specific treatment of existing conditions;
- Supplements and other products for detoxification; and
- Supplements for specific nutritional support.
Is This More Comprehensive Than Going to Other Homeopaths?
Yes it is! Our practice specializes in The Mueller Method™ of Homeopathy which means we are better able to tackle complicated chronic diseases, drug and/or vaccine injuries, highly suppressed or over-medicated cases. The Mueller Method™ works deeper and faster than traditional homeopathic methods alone.
How We Work
We act as professional health consultants and feel our clients should be in charge of their own treatment. You hire us to help you navigate the waters of homeopathic and other restorative treatments. And we pledge to never sent out any medicaments or charge you for any unauthorized payments without your prior approval.
What Happens During Follow Up Appointments?
At Follow Up Appointments
We’ll go over subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) changes in your symptoms, your overall well-being, as well as more objective markers. We use our 30 minutes to chart your progress, refine the treatment, change remedies (if necessary) and answer questions.
Changes Can Happen Fast!
We tend to get lost in the woods, or forget just how bad our suffering was during a difficult health crisis. Some believe this is because pain and discomfort, both physical and mental, can be very traumatic times in our lives. Our natural tendency is to let their memory go. Six months, one year or even two years into treatment, this tendency to forget can make it difficult to remember just how much healing progress you really have made!
That’s where your homeopath comes in. They’ll make comparative observations from one appointment to another, and every six months, they’ll go back and make an evaluation compared with your initial complaints. The homeopath not only chronicles your healing journey, but makes trained observations, assures your healing is proceeding in the right direction (according to Hering’s Law), makes remedy & dose adjustments, and so much more.
Remember, Keep a Journal
As we mentioned earlier, keeping a special notebook/journal simply dedicated to your homeopathic treatment will be of great benefit to you and your practitioner. You will also want to keep the write-ups you receive from our clinic with every remedy package in this notebook, as well as any other instruction sheets we give you.
Psychotherapy Vs. Homeopathy
Our very own Mr. Mueller has a master’s degree and working background in Psychotherapy & Counseling. Time and time again, his clients confirmed that he is a highly perceptive and empathetic listener. While psychotherapy and counseling no doubt play a role in healing, it is our observations that good homeopathic treatment can be far more effective than counseling or psychotherapy alone!
How Do I Get My Homeopathic Remedies?
Our Pharmacy
We have a fully stocked homeopathic pharmacy with more than 6,000 remedies. Each remedy has been chosen from a specific, reputable homeopathic pharmacy, or carefully prepared by our staff.
We also stock Mother Tinctures made according to HPUS standards, chlorella and targeted nutraceuticals. In addition, we stock glass dropper bottles for your homeopathic remedies.
The Treatment Plan
After each appointment, you’ll speak to one of our experienced Clinical Assistants. You’ll go over details about you specific treatment plan, and what medicaments you’ll need, and any other details specific to your case. This is also the time to schedule your next follow-up consultation.
We strive to avoid “down-time” between new potencies of homeopathic remedies as this can noticeably slow down your healing progress. Therefore, we can mail remedies and other medicaments to you to last just beyond your next follow-up consultation.
Shipping Your Package
We ship around the world via United States Postal Service (USPS). Most orders are ready to ship within 5 business days. EXPEDITED SHIPPING OPTIONS: Under limited circumstances within the continental US, we are able to provide OVERNIGHT shipping services. OVERNIGHT orders must be placed 1pm ET and may not be available on some days. Please call the office to inquire.
How Do I Pay For Treatment?
At this time, we accept payments via Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express. Payments are made through our secure, encrypted portal to protect your valuable information. Any credit card information that is stored at our office is secured under lock and key every time we leave the office.
Prepayment for Your Initial Consultation
We require you to prepay for the initial consultation only. Otherwise, payment is expected at the time services are rendered and before any medicaments will be mailed to you. We do not offer third party payers, nor offer any payment plans or discounts.
How Often Will I Have Appointments?
Chronic | Long Term Treatment
During chronic treatment for most conditions, we usually have a follow up appointment once every month, for at least the first 6 months of treatment.
In more complicated or serious conditions such as cancer, stroke, brain injury, etc, it’s best to have appointments more frequently, such as every 10 days or 3 weeks.
Once your symptoms begin to stabilize, we can go for longer intervals between appointments, such as every 6 weeks, every 2 months, every 1/4 year, etc.
My Symptoms Are Stable, But I Still Wish To Take Remedies
Great! You can keep purchasing your remedies without making an appointment for up to 2 years. After 2 years of not having an appointment, you’ll need to have a “Re-Uptake Appointment“.
What Will These Services Cost?
Please click here to see our rates.

Drug Side Effects, Medical Injury,
Never Well Since…

Victimization, Neediness, Depression…
– Any Emotional Imbalances

Pesticide, Chemical Residues, Environmental
& Workplace Exposures, Nuclear Fallout…
``A Steady Drop Hollows the Stone``
Our Specialty
The Mueller Method™ of Homeopathy
``The Mueller Method™ incorporates modern scientific insights
into Dr. Hahnemann's rational principles of healing.``
– Manfred Mueller, MA, DHM, RSHom(NA), CCH
Overview of The Mueller Method™
The Mueller Method™ of homeopathy is designed to restore your health more quickly than classical or traditional homeopathy alone – a “steady drop” of daily doses vs. the classical “one dose, watch and wait approach.”
The Mueller Method™ of homeopathy is the perfect solution to eliminate hidden and latent causes of disease – toxic drugs; vaccines; fluoride; mercury & other poisonous heavy metals; designer viruses; weaponized infections; pesticides; environmental & occupational pollution; nuclear radiation; mobile phone radiation & EMF exposure, etc.
The Mueller Method™ of homeopathy can cure the chronic diseases of modern life: adverse drug side effects; environmental allergies; autoimmune disease and immune deficiencies; chronic infections; autism; epilepsy/seizures; neurological disorders; chronic fatigue syndrome; fibromyalgia; insomnia; multiple chemical and/or electrical sensitivities; celiac disease/gluten intolerance; food allergies and sensitivities; leaky gut syndrome; yeast (candida) overgrowth; lyme’s disease; chronic inflammation; cancers; inherited tendencies towards cancer & all its associated conditions; and so much more.
The Mueller Method™ is thorough – supported by years of research, clinical study and results in practice. Our homeopathic practitioners are experts in this cutting edge method of homeopathic treatment. And best of all, our practitioners work over the phone and are currently accepting new clients.
How Does The Mueller Method™ Work?
There are many aspects that make The Mueller Method™ of Homeopathy so different from other, simpler methods of homeopathy. Here are a few of the highlights:
- Antidoting (“clearing”) causes of disease: long term effects of medications, anesthetics, OTC drugs, surgeries, recreational drugs, X-rays & other imaging procedures, ionizing & non-ionizing radiation, pesticides, herbicides, industrial compounds, toxic personal care products, etc. The clearing process works backwards in time, from your most recent exposures to the oldest.
- Detoxifying heavy metals and other toxins using a gentle oral chelation protocol with support from specific homeopathic medicines; metals such as mercury, lead, aluminum, cadmium, iron, copper, manganese, etc.
- Treating multiple conditions simultaneously. During chronic treatment, when indicated, we alternate daily doses of well chosen remedies to suit all your conditions or syndromes. This might include constitutional as well as symptomatic treatment. As with all homeopathy, treatment with The Mueller Method™ is always individualized.
- Identifying and treating the “predisposition to cancer”. Cancer is a common, long-term outcome of many disorders. Scientists have shown cancer to be the result of exposure to many toxic agents, inducing mutation and activating the so-called “oncogene”. During your complete health evaluation, your family history, personal history, vaccines, medications, exposures and other general symptoms such as personality, health tendencies and emotions are considered. For more information, here’s a great article and an interview on the subject.
- Individualized dosing for all medicines. We don’t believe in the “homeopathic aggravation”! Instead, we adjust all dosing so have only good results and no uncomfortable symptoms or “healing crisis” from any homeopathic medicines you take. The dose is different from potency. It refers to the amount of each remedy you take.
- Nutritional supplementation and dietary/lifestyle changes, where indicated, can be greatly accelerate your recovery.
The Mueller Method™ yields excellent results in clinical practice. It is highly flexible and can be customized to each situation and practitioner’s style. If you are a homeopathic practitioner and interested in studying The Mueller Method™, please visit to learn more.
Are My Medications Making Me Sicker?
Yes, they are.
First, all drugs are toxic and leave long-term adverse effects. Drug disorders are rapidly becoming the number one cause of death in America and other industrialized societies (see Gary Null, et. al.). Make no mistake about it, pharmaceutical drugs are making you sicker.
Second, most medical drugs are prescribed to control symptoms by chemically shutting down vital processes. The body is designed to heal itself. Disease is actually the outward expression of the body’s natural healing effort. Shutting it down interferes or prevents this healing effort.
Third, symptoms are not the disease! Shutting them down is like disconnecting the oil warning light in your car engine instead of repairing it! Instead of covering up your symptoms, homeopathic treatment stimulates the healing processes.
Lastly, in many cases, the conventional suppressive method causes new chronic diseases. These new “diseases” are then blamed on the patient, even though they were caused by the treatment! Fortunately, The Mueller Method™ can resolve these drug-induced diseases.
Am I Suffering From Drug Side Effects?
The term “drug side effects” was coined as a clever way for the pharmaceutical companies to cover up the “true effects” of every medication. Every poison taken into the body does not limit its effects to turning off or regulating one symptom (like lowering your blood pressure, stopping your headache, or killing an infection). It will ALWAYS affect multiple systems of the body, and sometimes in catastrophic ways.
Just ask anyone who has been injured by the very effective but extremely dangerous antibiotic Ciprofloxacin (Cipro), or the chemotherapeutic agent Taxotere (Docetaxel or Docefrez), or the blood thinner Xarelto (rivaroxaban), the antipsychotic Risperdol (risperidone) or the COX-2 selective, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) Vioxx (rofecoxib) that was eventually taken off the market. Or you’ve been taking birth control pills and you develop blood clots, or maybe you were taking a blood pressure medicine and you are diagnosed with Reynaud’s or some other circulatory disorder.
If you are taking a medication and a new disorder develops, you are likely suffering from the toxic effects of the drug. Thankfully, homeopathic clearing remedies (tautopathic remedies), as used in The Mueller Method™ of Homeopathy, are scientifically proven to reverse and permanently remove these toxic effects.
How Homeopathy Can Help - “Clearing Remedies”
Most people who suffer from moderate to severe chronic conditions have multiple layers of disorders often caused by previous medications, surgeries, toxic exposures, traumatic events, etc. These harmful influences are likely to cause health problems, some of which can remain hidden for years. Mueller’s research shows that by removing & then antidoting these influences, while at the same time, treating with standard homeopathic remedies, the many layers of ill health accumulated over a life-time can be resolved quickly and permanently.
The Mueller Method™ gives new hope to sufferers of countless “new” modern conditions – many that have no cure, and many which often cannot even be palliated with conventional drugs or therapies.
Removing Toxic Metals Safely
Common Sources of Toxic Heavy Metals
What are some of the common sources of toxic heavy metals that we might be exposed to? Mercury amalgam fillings (those silver ones), vaccines, fish and seafood, living near industrial waste zones or near industrial plants, air pollution, cooking pots & pans (aluminum), working in or going to a dental office, fluorescent light bulbs (contain mercury), occupational exposures and so many others.
Removing Toxic Metals From the Body – Oral Chelation
In addition to inherited conditions and those resulting from vaccines, drugs and other medical treatment, The Mueller Method™ confronts a vastly neglected and often overlooked cause of disease: chronic heavy metal intoxication. And mercury is one of the most insidious and most prevalent causes of chronic illnesses we currently know of. Building on the work of other experts, including Drs. Hal Huggins, Sam Ziff and Dietrich Klinghardt, the Karolinska Institute, Andrew Hall Cutler, Phd, and many others, The Mueller Method™ has developed a safe and effective protocol for removal of dental amalgam fillings, along with a gentle method of oral chelation for the detoxification of mercury and other heavy metals.
Homeopathic Support for Chelation/Toxic Metal Removal
The expertise of practitioners of The Mueller Method™ of homeopathy in heavy metal detoxification in conjunction with homeopathic treatment often succeeds in resolving chronic problems associated with a heavy metal burden such as autism, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, MS, ALS, MCS, CFS, chronic infections, aches and pains, memory issues, neurological conditions, etc, even when other methods have failed. The Mueller Method™ gives it’s practitioners the tools & special techniques to antidote and buffer the adverse effects of standard chelation protocols.
History and Development of The Mueller Method™
During the first few years of his homeopathic practice, Mr. Mueller observed certain problems with the commonly practiced “one dose of a high centesimal potency remedy / wait-and-watch-method” of Kentian homeopathy – a method of homeopathy that is still widespread in the US, Canada, UK, India and Australia.
Mueller set off to find answers, consulting the Organon of Medicine, 6th Edition (The seminal work on the foundations of healing by Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy), reading Hahnemann’s case notes (available only in German or French and never translated to English) dialoging with expert homeopaths, and even traveling to Germany, where Hahnemann (and Mr. Mueller!) was from, to find answers.
One of the important things Mueller found was that the full guidelines & later research of Hahnemann’s final version of his Organon had never been fully adopted into Anglican homeopathy! Mueller took his new knowledge and began experimenting with daily dosing of homeopathic remedies (hence he the use of the phrase “a steady drop hollows the stone!”), Q (or LM) potencies, using homeopathic antidotes, and alternating daily remedies. After much investigation, experimentation, refinements and later additions, Mueller began shaping his method into what is now called The Mueller Method™ of Homeopathy.