Fluorescent light bulbs have been known to cause headaches, eyestrain, fatigue, a decrease in the ability to concentrate, increased rate of ‘misjudgments’ and accidents, stress, malaise and irritability. The color of light produced is less than desirable- even of so-called “full-spectrum” bulbs. One of our clients said, “you shouldn’t even attempt to match colors or apply make-up under a fluorescent light unless you want to come out looking like a clown!”
Additionally, artificial light (rather than natural light) affects the levels of hormones in the body, particularly the hormones associated with stress, such as cortisol.
Recently, we learned something about compact fluorescent light bulbs that makes us dislike them even more… It turns out, breaking compact fluorescents is more hazardous than breaking a mercury thermometer! And, congress is trying to ban incandescent bulbs, opting for only compact fluorescent bulbs by 2014!
Watch Congressman Poe from Texas speaking against America’s impending forced use of these seemingly harmless bulbs: