About 10 years ago, I called Mr. Mueller in desperation with excruciating pain in my upper right abdomen. I had had dull discomfort in that area for 20 years but never thought much about it. A gastroenterologist, using ultrasound, confirmed that this was indeed gallstones and recommended immediate surgery. In spite of my pain, I refused to believe that removing the gallbladder was an acceptable solution for this problem.
Over the next 4 months Mr. Mueller was available several times a week when I was writhing in pain with gallstone colics. He said he would stick with me as long as I wanted to try treating myself with homeopathy. After trying several remedies, he found the right remedy which stopped the gallstone attack within minutes! I then took it daily and over the next several weeks, the colics completely subsided!
I have not had a gallstone colic in more than 10 years and I credit Mr. Mueller for my still having my gallbladder!
Spartanburg, SC