alternative anger treatment

Hahnemann Monument, Washington, DC
APRIL 10-16, 2013
Each year, in the week of the founder of homeopathy’s birthday – Dr. C. F. S. Hahnemann – we celebrate World Homeopathy Awareness Week (WHAW). Celebrate where you are, every year April 10th-16th.
To learn more on WHAW, click here.
How can YOU help spread the word on homeopathy to those around you?
Everyday Homeopathy
In honor of WHAW (see above), here are some ways that you can put a little more homeopathy to use in your life – EVERYDAY!
Please note: If you are experiencing any of the following conditions, it may be necessary to call a health care professional or emergency medical services. If you prefer to treat yourself or family member with homeopathic medicines but are not seeing any improvement, or your symptoms are becoming worse, you may wish to schedule an emergency consultation with a competent homeopathic practitioner. Homeopathic Associates offers emergency consultations depending on availability. alternative treatment for anger
1. Scalds, Burns, Sunburns For all sunburns and first degree burns Cantharis is the first remedy. You may also apply topically fresh Aloe juice from your Aloe plant.
2. Puncture wounds For minor puncture wounds on the palm or sole of foot, Hypericum perfoliatum may be best. Other punctures may require Ledum palustre. If you are concerned about tetanus, take heart…homeopathy has been used for over 200 years to both prevent and treat tetanus. One such study showed efficacy. If you have concerns about tetanus and wish to avoid taking the potentially harmful tetanus booster/vaccine (contains mercury), please call for a consultation.
3. Fussy baby or child Think about remedies like Pulsatilla, Chamomilla, Calcarea phosphorica, Staphysagria, Hypericum and others.
4. Burning or irritation on urination The most common remedies are Cantharis and Staphysagria. You may also drink organic cranberry juice. If you see no improvement of symptoms within six hours, please schedule an emergency consultation or seek medical attention immediately.
5. Yeast infections, “feminine” itchiness and discomfort, “male” itchiness A wash with diluted Calendula tincture (1 tsp in a pint of purified water) can make a world of difference. Also consider Sulphur, Boricum acidum, Sepia, Pulsatilla, Kreosotum, Caladium, Staphysagria or even potentized Calendula. Suppressing yeast with antibiotics can have many unwanted long-term side effects. If the condition does not resolve within 24 hours, call for a consultation.
6. Anger or indignation If you were you treated unfairly, rudely or with disrespect, consider Staphysagria, or schedule a consultation with your homeopath.
7. Stings from bees, wasps, yellow jackets, etc. Apis, Ledum, Echinacea angustifolia. If symptoms are moderate to severe or include things like swelling of the mouth or throat, schedule an emergency consultation with a homeopathic practitioner or seek immediate emergency medical treatment.
8. Symptoms from WIFI, cellphones, cordless phones etc. After you get home or to a wireless-free zone, take a dose of homeopathic Cellphone, Dect Phone, WIFI, Microwave or X-ray. (We do it as a matter of routine at our house!)
9. Sinus drainage, clinkers, crusts, nosebleeds, and other effects from “chemtrails” Kali bichromicum, Hepar sulphuris (best in a low X potency), Bryonia alba in alternation may quickly improve. Add a few doses of Echinacea angustifolia to boost your immune system. But keep in mind there are MANY remedies and many causes of respiratory problems. If you are in doubt please schedule a consultation.
in the next issue of our newsletter, we’ll cover tick bites, poison ivy, splinters and more…
Homeopathy can come to the rescue for MANY emergencies and common ailments. In fact, there is not much homeopathy can’t do, although, admittedly, finding the right remedy out of the 4000+ remedies to choose from can be a challenging task! If you are not sure if homeopathy can help, please feel free to contact us.
Recipe of the Month
Here’s one of Mr. Mueller’s favorite springtime treats…
Fresh Prepared Horseradish
1 – 6-8” length of fresh, organic horseradish root
Several tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar
Filtered or spring water
Peel the root, cutting off any bad spots and chop into ½” – 1” pieces. Put these in a blender with enough water to almost cover the pieces. Add 2-4 tablespoons of vinegar. Process until all of it is pureed. You may need to add a bit of water or a bit more vinegar if there is not enough liquid. Watch out when you open the blender top! It will clean out your sinuses!!
Will keep for several months in a tightly sealed glass jar in the refrigerator.
Now make your own mayonnaise and mix it together for a zingy spread or dip!
Health Freedom in America: Why We Need It (Interview)
A New Solution For The American Health Care Dilemma
The American health care system is broken. It is too expensive and relies too much on treatment with synthetic pharmaceutical drugs. You can’t solve every health problem by throwing medication at it. There are multiple health conditions that can be better treated by alternative therapies. We need at our fingertips all available alternatives, preventive measures, nutritional advice, supplementation, herbal treatment, homeopathic treatment, naturopathic treatment, traditional medicine, energy medicine, etc.
The current American system of medical practitioner licensing creates a narrow monopoly for the few preventing broader access to alternative care. It fails the silent majority who suffer from conditions that could be better helped by experts in the alternative health care professions.
Interview by Health Inn Show Host Debby Bruck with guests Manfred Mueller, RSHom(NA), CCH and Diane Miller, JD.
Health News
NVIC Launches National Billboard Vaccine Education Campaign
During March and April 2013, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is conducting an educational billboard campaign in Arizona, Illinois, Oregon, Washington and Texas to encourage well-informed vaccine decision-making. The NVIC billboard features a photo of a mother and child and asks “Vaccination? Know the Risks and Failures”, followed by the NVIC.org website address.
Dr. Oz Airs Show Called: “Are Your Silver Fillings Making You Sick?”
We commend Dr. Oz for having people on his show who are so outspoken against this pervasive poison, mercury. When asked if there was any safe level of mercury exposure, one expert simply said NO! There are no safe exposure levels.
Movies For Your Health
Fluoridegate, The Movie
Commentary: New documentary of the health effects of fluoride. If you still have any doubts to the safety and efficacy of this substance, please, take the time to watch this movie. You may also be interested in Mr. Mueller’s article on fluoride entitled: Fluoride, Poison for the Whole Family
Full Signal
Commentary: With over 3.5 billion cell phone users around the world, thousands of cell phone towers popping up in people’s neighborhoods, children’s schools and neighbor’s rooftops, people are starting to feel the effects. Full Signal talks to scientists, lawmakers, lawyers and everyday people to investigate the truths and myths behind the impact of cellular technology.
You can do a search for this movie and either buy a copy, download it or watch it online
Burzynski: Cancer Is Serious Business, Part II
Commentary: In the compelling follow-up to the internationally award-winning documentary, Burzynski, the Movie; Burzynski: Cancer is Serious Business, Part II explores the current status of Antineoplastons’ clinical testing sanctioned by the United States Food & Drug Administration—and features a modern story of the struggling journeys of cancer patients being treated today at the Burzynski Clinic in Houston, Texas.
Preview Cancer is a Serious Business, Part 2
Watch “Cancer is a Serious Business, Part 1 – FREE
Genetic Roulette—The Gamble of Our Lives
Commentary: Never-Before-Seen-Evidence points to genetically engineered foods as a major contributor to rising disease rates in the US population, especially among children. Gastrointestinal disorders, allergies, inflammatory diseases, and infertility are just some of the problems implicated in humans, pets, livestock, and lab animals that eat genetically modified soybeans and corn. Monsanto’s strong arm tactics, the FDA’s fraudulent policies, and how the USDA ignores a growing health emergency are also laid bare. This sometimes shocking film may change your diet, help you protect your family, and accelerate the consumer tipping point against genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
Doctored – The Monopolization of Our Medical System (DVD)
Commentary: Doctored takes a real look at exposing the failure of modern medicine. Tackling brain cancer, autism, MS, pain medication addiction, lupus, vaccines, chronic Lyme disease, and more head on. Uncover the power of natural medicine, detoxification and chiropractic care to heal your body!
The Sacred Science
Commentary: What happens when you take people suffering from breast cancer, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, Crohn’s, depression and alcohol addiction into the Amazon rainforest and treat them with plant-based medicinal cures? That’s the premise of a powerful new film called The Sacred Science.
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Right now, you can view all of our real life video testimonials. No paid actors here!
Coming Soon to our YouTube Channel:
Video instructions for making and taking remedies, how to make dosage cups and more!
For Cancelled, Rescheduled or Missed Appointments…
To serve you better
in our growing Clinical Practice,
Please give us 2 full business days notice
To avoid being charged the missed appointment fee (the fee of the appointment)
For example, if your appointment is scheduled on Tuesday, then your cancellation must be received by the previous Friday.
We greatly appreciate your
cooperation and understanding!
Mr. Mueller’s Specialties in Homeopathic Practice
- Homeopathic Cardiology – stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure, etc.
- Homeopathic Neurology – MS, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, ALS, neurological damage from vaccines, vaccine injuries, etc.
- Homeopathic Oncology – cancer in any location or tissue; CLL, CML, etc.
- Complicated Chronic Disorders – diseases from multiple causes or of uncertain diagnosis or etiology
- Mercury and Heavy Metal Chelation – we use gentle oral & dietary chelation protocols and support the process with homeopathic remedies to antidote and buffer the effects
- Autism Spectrum Disorders, Asperger’s Syndrome, Pervasive developmental disorder, not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), ADHD, brain injuries, concussions, etc.
- Hypersensitivity – MCS, electromagnetic sensitivity or electro-hypersensitivity, food allergies, environmental allergies
- Homeopathic Immunizations
- Effects Of Inappropriate Homeopathic Treatment
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Specializing in teaching homeopaths
“The Mueller Method” of homeopathy.
Learn more about The Mueller Method by clicking here
Homeopathic Telephone Consultations
You’ve tried homeopathic treatment. Now try the best!
Extra-strength homeopathy using The Mueller Method of homeopathy
can make a big difference in your health complaints!Whether you suffer from a sudden acute illness or a long-standing chronic
condition, you now have the option have comprehensive homeopathic health
care services wherever in the world you are.Is The Mueller Method of homeopathic treatment right for you?
You can speak with Mr. Mueller free for 15 minutes
to find out. Call (001) 619-741-5795,
or visit our website to learn more about our practice:www.HomeopathicAssociates.com
The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are for educational
purposes only and cannot be construed as medical or legal advice. Please
feel free to share this with your family and friends. This newsletter is
property of Homeopathic Associates and its agents. Written permission
is required before reprinting any part of it. Please email
[email protected]. Copyright 1986-2016 All rights
alternative treatment for obsessive compulsive disorder