Only a Phone Call Away
Restoring Your Health Naturally
Homeopathic Practitioner
Pioneered The Mueller Method™ of Homeopathy. Generalist with special interests in oncology, cardiology, neurology, mercury & heavy metal chelation, hyper-sensitivities & allergies, complex chronic disorders.
Clinic Assistant & Manager
Kristina Star CHom., MM.Hom, CWC, C-AR is a professional homeopath since 1999. She serves as clinical assistant and practice manager to Manfred Mueller. She takes acute & animal cases.
Office Staff, Homeopathic Pharmacy Tech
Dyanna has been answering phones, filling remedy orders and making our office efficient since 2011. She’s brought her many years of business ownership and her background in nutrition & health to our practice.
Office Staff
Lorraine has helped file and organize our office since 2011. For 30 years, she worked with numerous renown scientists and medical journals as an assistant researcher, in indexing and in international publishing.