Psorinum 6× triggers apoptosis signals in human lung cancer cells
Psorinum 6× triggered apoptosis in A549 cells via both up- and down-regulations of relevant signal proteins, including p53, caspase-3, Bax and Bcl-2.
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Restoring Your Health Naturally
“…a significant percentage of cancer patients still receive the same treatments used 30-55 years ago, i.e. anti-hormone therapy, methotrexate, cyclophosphamide, prednisone, Fluorouracil (5-FU) , Tamoxifen, Cisplatin, Vincristine, radiation therapy, etc, etc.
Besides, conventional cancer treatment, even with today’s most state of the art chemotherapeutic cocktails still results in the decline of the patient health due to the large doses of extremely toxic poisons. That part has not changed.”
– Manfred Mueller, MA, DHM, RSHom(NA), CCH, in a response to Edzart Ernst’s Dec 2016 blog post addressed to Mr. Mueller
* Lancet Oncology, August 2016
The Mueller Method™ of Homeopathy is a gentle, complex and effective method to address cancers and leukemia of all kinds, in all age groups. Because so many drugs, toxins, food additives, environmental poisons, and other exposures can cause cancer, using The Mueller Method’s™ approach to antidoting these exposures helps to remove the causes of cancer. Additional aspects of this method include alternation of daily remedies, special dietary considerations and a gentle mercury & heavy metal detoxification protocol. All treatments are completely adaptable to the client’s level of sensitivity & tolerance.
For those looking for a holistic approach to cancer treatment, homeopathy may be the answer. Homeopathy is a powerful and side effect-free form of natural treatment for cancer.
Homeopathy is a wonderful compliment to conventional treatment. With adjunct homeopathic treatment, we can help mitigate the side effects of chemotherapy like nausea, vomiting and pain. Using The Mueller Method™, we can take it one step further and help undo damage done by conventional chemo drugs, help undo the harmful effects of diagnostic procedures like X-rays, MRIs, PET scans, etc, by antidoting the offending substances. Homeopathy is one of those great tools to keep in your basket of tricks to help increase the immune system, treat infections, pain, fatigue/weakness and so many other symptoms.
Chemotherapy warning as hundreds die from cancer-fighting drugs
2012 – groundbreaking study published explaining how chemotherapy can backfire and boost cancer growth.
Psorinum 6× triggered apoptosis in A549 cells via both up- and down-regulations of relevant signal proteins, including p53, caspase-3, Bax and Bcl-2.
I was diagnosed with a carcinoma of the parotid gland in December, 2013.
I submitted myself to surgery for removal of the gland and 37 radiation treatments in early 2014.
alternative cancer treatment; homeopathic cancer treatment
The evidence shows that patients, not physicians, are the primary impetus for the increasing call for homeopathic cancer treatment worldwide. In the countries where homeopathic treatment is available, treatment is often provided in the absence of good professional references on homeopathic cancer drugs.
blood clot; homeopathic remedies; cancer; homeopathic cancer treatment; heart; client education; homeopathic research
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I was 28 years old and had a 4-6 a day cigarette habit. I began to feel a “lump” in my throat that felt as if something were lodged in there, and it was getting bigger. One day, I palpated my thyroid area and felt it- a stony hard nodule about the size of a…
According to a recent study, over “90 percent of receipts contain chemicals linked to infertility, autism and type-2 diabetes – endocrine disruptors!
If you are suffering from one of the following conditions, you should pay attention to hidden sources of monosodium glutamate (MSG) in your diet:
Those sensitive to MSG
Chronic constipation or diarrhea
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
Complement Ther Med. 2015 Jun;23(3):309-17. doi: 10.1016/j.ctim.2015.03.004. Epub 2015 Mar 23. Influence of adjunctive classical homeopathy on global health status and subjective wellbeing in cancer patients – A pragmatic randomized controlled trial. Frass M1, Friehs H2, Thallinger C3, Sohal NK4, Marosi C5, Muchitsch I6, Gaertner K7, Gleiss A8, Schuster E9, Oberbaum M10. Author information Abstract…
My husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer at around age 70. After listening to a lecture by Dr. Mueller we knew we had to try homeopathic treatment of prostate cancer for him. It changed our life. Mueller gave detailed instructions how to make juices and what to eat. He also showed us specific homeopathic medicines…
Hering’s Law of Cure; Testimonial “Maturity through Homeopathic treatment”; Homeopathy has anti-cancer effect on liver cancer; Homeopathic drugs modify gene expression in cervical cancer cells; Article on Cancer Predisposition (diathesis)
When I was diagnosed with breast cancer five and a half years ago, my life changed almost overnight. I was not “supposed” to get cancer because I did not do any of those things that they say cause cancer. I did not drink, smoke or do drugs. I did not have any family history of…
By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 13:51 EST, 10 April 2012 | UPDATED: 13:51 EST, 10 April 2012 Mislabelled nail products have the potential to harm thousands of women who work in more than 48,000 nail salons in California, and their customers. Nail polishes commonly found in California salons and advertised as free of three specific…
Thus, the highly-diluted, dynamized homeopathic remedies LC-5C and LC-15C demonstrated their capabilities to induce apoptosis in cancer cells, signifying their possible use as supportive medicines in cancer therapy.
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There has never been a properly run randomized trial that showed that radiotherapy saved any lives or even produced a significant increase in survival for any type of cancer. Radiotherapy can reduce the rate of recurrence, but has never been found to increase overall surviva
Manfred continues the work of Samuel Hahnemann by applying the concepts from the Organon to today’s homeopathic practice. Diseases of today are more complex than in Samuel Hahnemann’s time [more than 200 years ago]. Our chronic disorders are mostly iatrogenic (drug/poison induced). Learn how to use new tools to accomplish more with your patients – faster and gentler.
Sleeping pills prescribed for insomnia are associated with more than a fourfold risk of death, according to the study published in the BMJ Open journal.
Yep, that’s me at age 66 and happily, still kicking just as high, thanks to Mr. Mueller and the amazing benefits of his Homeopathy program. Almost 15 years ago, when I first walked into his office, every joint in my body was hurting. Every Fall and Spring I developed bronchitis along with many bad colds…
I am from the Ukraine and used natural and herbal treatments my whole life. There was no medicine in Ukraine after war and we only had herbs. At 63 years old, I diagnosed with colon cancer. I didn’t want chemotherapy drugs or radiotherapy that my doctors told me to take. They did not respect my…
Cancer patients are faced with a life-and-death decision when choosing their treatment. Since most conventional treatments continue to be associated with severe adverse and some- times fatal effects, while homeopathy has been found to be free from such effects,
Article: “I’m Happy”; Homeopathic treatment for Alzheimer’s, Melanoma; Are Flu Shots Safe
Complement Ther Med. 2014 Apr;22(2):320-32. doi: 10.1016/j.ctim.2013.12.014. Epub 2014 Jan 8. Additive homeopathy in cancer patients: Retrospective survival data from a homeopathic outpatient unit at the Medical University of Vienna. Gaertner K1, Müllner M2, Friehs H2, Schuster E3, Marosi C2, Muchitsch I4, Frass M5, Kaye AD6. Author information Abstract BACKGROUND: Current literature suggests a positive…
parenting with homeopathy, treating fussy children, testimonial: nephrotic syndrome cured with homeopathy, H1N1, safer alternatives to the flu shot, homeopathic humor, homeopathy news, the american medical college of homeopathy rings the closing bell at the NASDAQ stock exchange, Homeopathy found effective in treating hood and mouth disease in cattle, scientists research the effects of homeopathy on kidney, colon and breast cancer cells,
Homeopaths have described observations that tumors recede from the use of homeopathic treatment and have, from time to time, documented long-term recoveries from cancer in response to homeopathic treatment.1-23 Some practitioners have reported observations like this in as many as several hundred patients.24
What is homeopathy? It’s infinitesimal. It’s powerful. It’s gentle and it’s curative. Homeopathy can alleviate common ailments like PMS, erectile dysfunction, depression, low energy levels, and teething complaints, as well as complicated chronic diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome, Crohn’s disease, autism, heart disease, cancer and countless symptoms which have no classification.
Men’s Health Focus, Summer Survival, MIgraine Treatment, Alternative Prostate Cancer Treatment, Eating Out, Homeopathy News, Homeopathic Malaria Prevention
“The pre-cancer stage embraces all the countless manifestations of chronic disease such as diabetes, epilepsy, psoriasis, eczema, arthritis, in its many forms, asthma, hay fever and numerous tubercular affections as well as the venereal diseases together with the numerous abnormal mental and emotional afflictions which harass the (human) race today.”
By: Manfred Mueller, MA, DHM, RSHom(NA), CCH Copyright © 1995. All rights reserved. Revised 2000 and 2005 Municipalities add fluoride to public water systems in the United States at the rate of 1 to 3 ppm (parts per million) – purportedly as a means to prevent tooth decay. This has produced serious environmental diseases including…
“I came to Mr. Mueller to treat recurrent appendicitis, which he cured. I was so tired of antibiotics and threats of surgery. I couldn’t bare living without one of my organs!!
My Mom (another client of Mr. Mueller’s) suggested I keep having treatment since my Dad and Grandmother had recently died of cancer.
The term “Generation X-ray” refers to youth addicted to communicating and recreating with wireless devices-cell phones, PDAs, WiFi computers and music/gaming equipment.
Resources Truth in Labeling-The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about MSG MSGTruth- The mission of MSGTruth, is to give you unbiased information based on science, not profit. Articles MSG: The Flavor Enhancer That Sickens In Two Ways Videos The Dangers of MSG – Part 1 ‘The Hidden Danger in…
8 Darn Good Reasons Not to Get the Flu Shot Feb 1st, 2013 | By Jeffry John Aufderheide | Are you thinking about getting the flu shot vaccine? Every year the mainstream media war drum beats for you to get vaccinated against the flu. They rarely discuss anything but the benefits of the vaccine.…
Studies support that ingredients in common non-alcohol based antibacterial soaps such as triclosan can cause harm to the environment and to public health. And there is no evidence that non-hospital, “every day” use of these soaps are helpful to us at all. In fact, studies show that soap and water are just as effective as antibacterial soaps in killing germs – 99.4% compared to 99.6%. The documented negative effects of these ingredients surely pose problems for public health; the use of these soaps create too high of a risk considering the positive effects are marginal at best.
Host Marilyn Shannon ( of The Breaking Free Show and author of the “In Just One Afternoon” book series, sits down with homeopathic practitioner, Manfred Mueller to hear his unique perspectives on homeopathy and cancer. This is a special Breaking Free Show focusing on the intersection of health, wellness and the field of homeopathy! Thank…
“A homeopathically prepared remedy, HIV nosode 30c was tested for its possible anticancer potential and therapeutic use against cancer as revealed from a recent study on A-549 lung cancer cells conducted in our lab…”
Alternative cancer treatment; Alternative health care; Breast cancer; Cancer; Manfred Mueller; Study materials; The Mueller Method