Menopause: “Change of Life”
How safe is the menopausal medication estrogen, the most widely prescribed drug in the USA? Answers may be years away, and yet 1.3 million American women who
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Restoring Your Health Naturally
Every day, thousands of people are injured (or worse, killed!) by the side effects of conventional medications, vaccines, elective & non-elective surgeries and medical procedures like X-rays, MRIs, root canals, etc. Even when properly prescribed & executed, these treatments have significant risks involved. And it’s the victims and their families that are left to pick up the pieces and pay the bills.
The Mueller Method™ of Homeopathy has protocols for removing & detoxifying the side effects of drugs that continue even after the drug has been discontinued. Using homeopathic remedies made from the substances that made you sick, “homeopathic clearing remedies” (called “tautopathic remedies” in technical jargon) are used to “antidote” the harmful effects leftover from drugs, vaccines, medical treatments, environmental exposures and more. In more deep seated cases or for those with multiple suppressions, we use the clearing remedies along with classical homeopathic remedies to undo the damage done.
The Mueller Method™ gives new hope to sufferers of countless “new” modern conditions – many that have no cure, and many which often cannot even be palliated with conventional drugs or therapies. All of our practitioners are thoroughly trained in this method of homeopathy.
Some classes of drugs are more injurious than others. Here are examples of some drugs & drug classes that we see the most side effects from in clinic. Some of these drugs already have active lawsuits against them, but even more should!!
How safe is the menopausal medication estrogen, the most widely prescribed drug in the USA? Answers may be years away, and yet 1.3 million American women who
Drug side effects are all too common. We have successfully treated them in clinic using homeopathy.
This is a live testimonial given in front of a class of medical school students at the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Medicine, Program on Integrative Medicine Course in 1999. [gn_youtube url=””] Keywords: Drug induced illnesses, heavy bleeding with clotting, multiple medications, side-effects of drugs
Full of News: Death by Medicine; Cardiac drugs and kidney damage; Pain drug cuts cancer, causes heart attacks; cellphone masts inside your home?!; Teflon causes cancer; and more
In May, 2012, my 21 year old daughter had very swollen legs and ankles and was diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome. We went the usual route that lead to an appointment with a kidney specialist. The specialist wanted to put my daughter on 5 different drugs, the main one being a steroid, and also wanted to…
This is a live testimonial of nephrotic syndrome cured! It was given in front of a class of medical school students at the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Medicine, Program on Integrative Medicine Course in 2001. Keywords: nephrotic syndrome, minimal change disease, prednisone, cortisone therapy, nephrotic syndrome, Nil Lesions, Nil Disease, lipoid nephrosis, proteinuria (leakage…
Allopathic medicine is a trade-off. You often trade one disease for another, often more serious, disease. Trade-off #1: “Aprotinin — a drug approved by the FDA, marketed internationally for the last 13 years, and given to an estimated one million surgery patients to limit bleeding — has now been proven to double a patient’s risk of kidney…
Recently Jack, one of our older clients, went to the hospital for a thorough medical check-up. He is in his early nineties. As Jack told it, the head nurse remarked to him: “This is amazing. You are the only patient we have over ninety who is not on medication!” They could not find anything wrong…
Widely used cholesterol lowering drugs, such as Lipitor, to say they can raise levels of blood sugar (diabetes) and could cause memory loss.
I was suffering from severe depression; however I did not meet the clinical definition for depression, as I could function going to work and daily living. My deep hole emotionally was due to severe losses in a short amount of time;
8 Darn Good Reasons Not to Get the Flu Shot Feb 1st, 2013 | By Jeffry John Aufderheide | Are you thinking about getting the flu shot vaccine? Every year the mainstream media war drum beats for you to get vaccinated against the flu. They rarely discuss anything but the benefits of the vaccine.…
Suddenly, after a 2nd visit to the local fire station where they had a “scarier tour this time cause they talked about escaping from your house during a fire”, our 6 year old daughter suddenly developed fears that came on with nausea. It began happening every night before bed. She would suddenly tell us “I’m…
Happy thanksgiving, homeopathy helps elderly man recover from eye surgery, remedies to help you cope with the holidays, blog commentary: the high cost of healthcare, homeopathy in the news: integrating alternative and traditional medicine; homeopathy for pooches
This is a live testimonial given in front of a class of medical school students at the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Medicine, Program on Integrative Medicine Course in 1999 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. The transcription of the videos is available below the videos. Barbara's Post Polio Cure, Part 1 Barbara's Post Polio Cure,…
For seven years I had a very stressful job that required me to travel out of town 2-3 nights every week. It was very difficult for me to fall asleep and stay asleep so I began taking sleep aids, starting with Tylenol PM and Benedryl (Diphenhydramine). The Tylenol made me so drowsy I felt like…
Manfred Mueller was interviewed by Homeopath Debby Bruck, founder of Homeopathy World Community. Here’s a description of what the interview is about: “Mr. Mueller has developed a comprehensive approach to homeopathic treatment to reverse diseases called The Mueller Method™ of Homeopathy. One aspect of it called, Reverse Chronological Tautopathy (“clearing remedies” or homeopathic antidotes) is…
adverse drug reactions; blastomycosis infection; cipro poisoning; Cipro-Ciprofloxacin-Fluoroquinolone-Antibiotic reaction; drug side effects; homeopathic treatment; the mueller method
The rigors and stresses of school are the perfect breeding grounds for bringing to the surface “problems” that could be holding students back. “Problems??!!” you say incredulously, “my child doesn’t have ‘problems!’”
Three cases of children with organic brain pathology, apparently cured of seizures with homeopathic treatment. Two had severe cerebral palsy (CP) caused by perinatal brain injury, and one had congenital microcephaly.
Lennox Gestaut Seizures cured in a girl with Cerebral palsy. This is a live testimonial given in front of a class of medical school students at the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Medicine, Program on Integrative Medicine Course in 1999.
My ex-boyfriend was a big pot smoker. Marijuana was a part of his everyday life. But not mine. Unfortunately, the second hand smoke was always around and affected me. People in my family repeatedly asked me to take tests to prove I wasn’t smoking and made references to me smoking pot but I never even…
“Btw – you’d be proud. We have been taking our remedies daily, like you said! “I’m ready to go. I’ve been taking the Nux vomica, Arnica and Pulsatilla that you suggested. I picked up some Ignatia 30C at the health food store, as you suggested, and all of those seem to help. Joseph loved the…
I am glad to say that after finishing the homeopathic clearing for Cipro, in addition to my other daily remedies, I feel very well and almost back to normality. So I would like to thank your team for the amazing work you are doing and for preserving this precious and useful knowledge that homeopathy is.…
This study compared homeopathic treatment to a conventional prescription (Fluoxetine, Prozac, Sarafem, Rapiflux, Selfemra) for depression AND to a placebo and the study found that:
1)homeopathic medicine was “highly significantly” better at reducing hot flashes than either placebo or conventional antidepressant drugs
Seasonal changes, drug induced disorders, memory loss, little complaints can be a serious problem, Homeopathy news, German football team uses homeopathy, homeopathic treatment of breast cancer in France, homeopathic treatment of allergic rhinitis, medical students take classes in homeopathy,
‘She was a stable, happy, calm person but in three weeks the decline was rapid to a woman who was trembling, had panic attacks and wouldn’t make eye contact.
‘She was like a zombie.
Jerry was a tall man, age 46, intelligent, polite, trim, but barely able to walk, and looking visibly discouraged. Jerry’s chief complaints were progressive weakness in his left leg, numbness in his left hand, and fatigue.
It’s autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and time to think about protecting yourself during “cold and flu” season. As homeopaths, our favorite motto is “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. And the saying is never so relevant as it is with infectious diseases!
Are you new to Mr. Mueller’s homeopathic method, The Mueller Method™? Are you curious to understand more about it and to see the reasoning behind this approach? Then this webinar is for you! The National Center for Homeopathy invited Mr. Mueller to host this webinar on May 11, 2011. Hang on to your hats! He…
Depression; 30yrs in Practice; Biological Effects of Homeopathy; Remedies & Flying