Auto-immune Disorders; Gentle Medicine; PRE-ORDER Homeo Cancer Drugs Book
autoimmune disease; multiple sclerosis; crohns disease; Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Only a Phone Call Away
Restoring Your Health Naturally
Neurological disease can be a devastating, life ending diagnosis in conventional medicine. Marked by progressive decline in physical and mental functioning, conventional medicine can offer little more than palliative treatments and medications – lifelong medications fraught with side effects. There is hope. There is more that can be done than your doctors are telling you about!
The Mueller Method™ of Homeopathy is a powerful, yet side effect free tool to increase healing times and remove unwanted symptoms and complications due to neurological disorders. Utilizing classical homeopathic remedies, clearing remedies and remedies that directly address the symptoms, trauma and other complications, this protocol stimulates the bodies self-healing mechanisms to repair itself, moving the body out of the perpetual state of dysfunction.
Here is a partial list of neurological conditions this comprehensive method of homeopathy, which includes treatment for the causes of neurological diseases, such as mercury and other heavy metal exposure, can treat.
autoimmune disease; multiple sclerosis; crohns disease; Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Summary: That figures! Aspartame is a neurotoxin that has been linked with neurological disorders such as ALS (Lou Gehrigs’s Disease), Parkinson’s and Gulf War Syndrome. In other words, aspartame is a highly profitable ingredient because it sends more people into medical care and hospitals with these diseases.
Seasonal changes, drug induced disorders, memory loss, little complaints can be a serious problem, Homeopathy news, German football team uses homeopathy, homeopathic treatment of breast cancer in France, homeopathic treatment of allergic rhinitis, medical students take classes in homeopathy,
According to a recent study, over “90 percent of receipts contain chemicals linked to infertility, autism and type-2 diabetes – endocrine disruptors!
What is homeopathy? It’s infinitesimal. It’s powerful. It’s gentle and it’s curative. Homeopathy can alleviate common ailments like PMS, erectile dysfunction, depression, low energy levels, and teething complaints, as well as complicated chronic diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome, Crohn’s disease, autism, heart disease, cancer and countless symptoms which have no classification.
Jerry was a tall man, age 46, intelligent, polite, trim, but barely able to walk, and looking visibly discouraged. Jerry’s chief complaints were progressive weakness in his left leg, numbness in his left hand, and fatigue.
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Lennox Gestaut Seizures cured in a girl with Cerebral palsy. This is a live testimonial given in front of a class of medical school students at the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Medicine, Program on Integrative Medicine Course in 1999.
If you are suffering from one of the following conditions, you should pay attention to hidden sources of monosodium glutamate (MSG) in your diet:
Those sensitive to MSG
Chronic constipation or diarrhea
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
Three cases of children with organic brain pathology, apparently cured of seizures with homeopathic treatment. Two had severe cerebral palsy (CP) caused by perinatal brain injury, and one had congenital microcephaly.
Abstract: Epilepsy is an important neurological disorder in dogs. Belladonna 200C was evaluated in 10 dogs with idiopathic epilepsy. During the seizure phase, 3-4 drops of Belladonna 200C were administered orally at 15 min intervals until considerable reduction in seizure activity, then four times daily. Four dogs with head shaking syndrome in addition to seizures…
Cerebrovascular injuries, whether from trauma, surgery or internal chronic conditions, are all too often the cause of permanent disability, if not fatal outcomes. It is perhaps because of the very severity and hopelessness of these cases that they constitute some of the most frustrating and at the same time most rewarding work a homeopath can engage in.
Reasons Not To Own a Cell Phone Cell phone use and driving is deadly Cellphones are not safe: Interview with Dr. George Carlo Cell phones and Brain Cancer Cell phones and Brain Cancer (another one) Is Your Cell Phone Safe From Identity Theft? Family: Teen Killed While Texting And Driving A cell phone and static…
Background and Objectives: Childhood autism is severe and a serious disorder. A study was conducted by Spandan holistic institute of applied Homoeopathy, Mumbai, with the objective of demonstrating the usefulness of homeopathic management in autism.
By Manfred Mueller, RSHom (NA), CCH This paper was first published in The American Homeopath, Vol 15, 2009. Summary: The author discusses three cases of children with organic brain pathology, apparently cured of seizures with homeopathic treatment. Two had severe cerebral palsy (CP) caused by perinatal brain injury, and one had congenital microcephaly. Parents tried…
Remember, these “brain malfunctions” have become so commonplace that many people have come to think of them as normal. We now think it’s “normal” that children, teens and twenty-somethings are showing these symptoms and we laugh when it happens when we should be worrying and looking for causes and solutions.
A few years ago I called “the doc” at the insistence of my wife. I’m a professor and I had to stop a lecture due to serious speech problems. It all started with a fall I’d taken off a scaffold 3 weeks prior where I hit my head. I felt a little dizzy after and…
I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2010. In the middle of 2018, Dr. Manfred Mueller said all of my symptoms were actually caused by Mercury Poisoning. In just half a year I’ve seen symptoms reduce to the point I no longer had to go to the hospital because of a cold. My tremors have…
Obesity; Homeopathic immunization/homeoprophylaxis; Menstrual problems-PMS-PDD; Multiple sclerosis
If we had a dollar for every time we’ve given, recommended or taken Arnica for a bruise, bump, car accident, shock, etc…or Hypericum for every nerve injury, smashed finger, whiplash, tailbone injury, etc…we’d be RICH!!
The rigors and stresses of school are the perfect breeding grounds for bringing to the surface “problems” that could be holding students back. “Problems??!!” you say incredulously, “my child doesn’t have ‘problems!’”
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Happy autumn, client comments: homeopathy helps child’s real personality come out, send your stories and comments to homeopathic associates, Protect yourself this flu season with homeopathic cold and flu 2013/2014, Ginkgo biloba mother tincture for improved learning, memory, cognitive and mental functioning, carcinogenic nail polish and health alternatives, Homeopathy in the news: J.D. Salinger loved homeopathy
By Manfred Mueller, MA, DHM, RSHom(NA), CCH He looked older than his fifty-nine years, with grey-white hair and wrinkled skin. Bill had worked for the local government as tax assessor, but had retired early because of his illness. He seemed withdrawn, as if profoundly depressed, and despite his regular habit of dressing in a suit…
Researchers from Southampton University report compelling evidence that surgery, as well as injury and infection, can dramatically accelerate the disease and the rate of brain death in people who already have early Alzheimer’s disease.
The authors concluded: “These ecologic findings suggest a geographic association between PD mortality and the industrial use of heavy metals.”
Recently the national nightly news showed a woman suffering from Multiple Sclerosis (MS). She was distraught after trying unsuccessfully for several weeks to register for Obamacare through the government website.
Although I wasn’t keen on the idea of having even more laundry to keep up with, I thought it was worth the effort. However, fate had a different plan.
We keep a few commonly used acute remedies prepared in liquid in 30C potencies in our metal remedy box***. We remix new remedies every 2-3 months to make sure they are fresh and still active:
We’ve long been fans of Mike Adams, aka The Health Ranger. In this recent post of his, he’s giving you lots of tips to get “superhuman” brain power…well, he believes it’s ordinary brain power that EVERY human is capable of.
Increased risk of developmental neurologic impairment after high exposure to thimerosal-containing vaccine in first month of life. Division of Epidemiology and Surveillance, Vaccine Safety and Development Branch, National Immunization Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 1999. Thomas M. Verstraeten, R. Davies, D. Gu, F DeStefano Background: Concern has risen on the presence of…
Widely used cholesterol lowering drugs, such as Lipitor, to say they can raise levels of blood sugar (diabetes) and could cause memory loss.
Human nature may lead us to downplay our small complaints and symptoms in lieu of a more favorable “I’m healthy” posture. In some ways, this can be a good thing. It keeps us positive, upbeat and less affected by our health issues. On the other hand, it may benefit our overall state of health AND…
SUPPORT YOUR BRAIN HEALTH Dear clients and friends, Your brain is your last line of defense. Are you taking good care of your brain? The fact is brain fog and signs of dementia are becoming a common complaint even in young people these days. Restoring your cognitive ability can help you be a safer parent,…
The term “Generation X-ray” refers to youth addicted to communicating and recreating with wireless devices-cell phones, PDAs, WiFi computers and music/gaming equipment.
This morning, May 12, 2005 my son, Jonathan came hurriedly upstairs looking for me. “Quick come down and see Dr. Phil! He has people with OCD on his program!” he shouted.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease after the famous New York Yankee baseball player, is a rare condition, characterized by deterioration of both upper and lower motor neurons. It has in incidence of about 2.4 per 100,000 population per year with peak onset between 55 and 75 years of age…
Health regulators are adding warnings to the labels of widely used cholesterol lowering drugs, such as Lipitor, to say they may raise levels of blood sugar and could cause memory loss.
Buffalo Homeopathic Hospital, Homeopathic is “Real Medicine”; Homeopathy just as good!; Government funded homeopathic trials; Parkinson’s Disease, Homeo News; Conditions Treatable
These types of “brain malfunctions” have become so commonplace that many think of them as normal. It’s now so “normal” that children, teens and twenty-somethings are showing these symptoms.