When Life Gives You Lemons,
Make Lemonade
– The Homeopathic Way!
People get sick. Accidents happen.
Want to take more control of your healthcare?
Homeopathy may be just the tool you need!
Included in this month’s newsletter
is a practical guide to
acute homeopathic prescribing at home.
See below.
Homeopathic Treatment for Hormonal Imbalance
“Dr. Mueller’s homeopathic treatments have regulated my hormones so that I no longer suffer from mood swings, irregular periods, ovarian cysts or an enlarged uterus. I also no longer have sinus headaches or allergies. My quality of life has improved immensely!”
Dr. Jill T
Kent, Ohio, USA
Read more of our awesome testimonials…
Homeopathic Research & News
Homeopathic Approach Using Potentized Estrogen Seen to Ease Endometriosis-Associated Pelvic Pain
Potential of the homeopathic remedy, Arnica Montana 30C, to reduce DNA damage in Escherichia coli exposed to ultraviolet irradiation through up-regulation of nucleotide excision repair genes.
The results of this work, taken together with other new homeopathic research, provide new insights into the action of Arnica m. in tissue healing and repair, and identify extracellular matrix regulation by macrophages as a therapeutic target.
Singer Big Sean tells The Daily show with Trevor Noah host that homeopathy helped his mother recover from lead poisoning!
Homeopathic Associates is #15 of top 40 homeopathic blogs!! WOO HOO!!!
Get more quality homeopathic research here
Common Acute Homeopathic Remedies to Keep on Hand
We keep a few commonly used acute remedies prepared in liquid in 30C potencies in our metal remedy box***. We remix new remedies every 2-3 months to make sure they are fresh and still active:
Aconitum napellus – fear, fright; sudden onset of violent symptoms with fever after exposure to cold and dry wind
Apis mellifica*** – bee, wasp, hornet, etc. stings; with pain, and red, puffy, shiny, hot swelling
Arnica montana – after injuries such as falls, concussions, bumps, bruises, contusions, car wrecks; to prevent shock from any injury; emotional shock;
Arsenicum album – colds, stuffy head, irritation from mucus and irritation in throat, better from warm drinks; food poisoning, with vomiting and diarrhea; such as from eating bad meat
Belladonna – high fevers of sudden onset in children with hot, dry forehead, glassy eyes, thirst-less; affects of sun stroke; helpful at antidoting the adverse effects of rabies shot in animals
Bryonia alba – Sprains and injuries worse from motion, better from rest and warmth; colds, flu, fever with great thirst for large gulps of cold drinks, aching all over, irritability
Calendula officinalis – first intention healing of wounds, cuts, tears, ruptures of tissues, tendons and bones (orally in potency); anti-infective, antiseptic (diluted tincture applied directly to wound)
Read More of this Informative Blog…
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Right now, you can view all of our real life video testimonials. No paid actors here!
Coming Soon to our YouTube Channel:
Video instructions for making and taking remedies, how to make dosage cups and more!
For Cancelled, Rescheduled or Missed Appointments…
To serve you better
in our growing Clinical Practice,
Please give us 2 full business days notice
To avoid being charged the missed follow-up appointment fee (the fee of the appointment).
Please allow 5 full business days for cancellation of an initial appointment
To avoid being charged the missed follow-up appointment fee (the fee of the appointment).
We greatly appreciate your
cooperation and understanding!
Mr. Mueller’s Specialties in Homeopathic Practice
- Everyday, routine conditions – migraines, PMS, grief, depression, digestive problems, teething, tantrums, etc.
- Homeopathic Cardiology – stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure, etc.
- Homeopathic Neurology – MS, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, ALS, neurological damage from vaccines, vaccine injuries, etc.
- Homeopathic Oncology – cancer in any location or tissue; CLL, CML, etc.
- Complicated Chronic Disorders – diseases from multiple causes or of uncertain diagnosis or etiology
- Mercury and Heavy Metal Chelation – we use gentle oral & dietary chelation protocols and support the process with homeopathic remedies to antidote and buffer the effects
- Autism Spectrum Disorders, Asperger’s Syndrome, Pervasive developmental disorder, not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), ADHD, brain injuries, concussions, etc.
- Hypersensitivity – MCS, electromagnetic sensitivity or electro-hypersensitivity, food allergies, environmental allergies
- Homeopathic Immunizations
- Effects Of Inappropriate Homeopathic Treatment
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Specializing in teaching homeopaths
“The Mueller Method” of homeopathy.
Learn more about The Mueller Method by clicking here
Homeopathic Telephone Consultations
You’ve tried homeopathic treatment. Now try the best!
Extra-strength homeopathy using The Mueller Method of homeopathy
can make a big difference in your health complaints!Whether you suffer from a sudden acute illness or a long-standing chronic
condition, you now have the option have comprehensive homeopathic health
care services wherever in the world you are.Is The Mueller Method of homeopathic treatment right for you?
You can speak with Mr. Mueller free for 15 minutes
to find out. Call (001) 619-741-5795,
or visit our website to learn more about our practice:www.HomeopathicAssociates.com
The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are for educational
purposes only and cannot be construed as medical or legal advice. Please
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