“Btw – you’d be proud. We have been taking our remedies daily, like you said!
“I’m ready to go. I’ve been taking the Nux vomica, Arnica and Pulsatilla that you suggested. I picked up some Ignatia 30C at the health food store, as you suggested, and all of those seem to help. Joseph loved the effects of Ignatia! It really helped his grief and anxiety! The Nux hasn’t worked for my tummy troubles but definitely does for Joseph’s stomach issues. The Pulsatila, I took one day after a really stressful string of events… And I felt my nervous system almost chug to a peaceful hault. Wild! It worked better than the Xanax and it didn’t make me feel, act or LOOK like I was “intoxicated” as Joseph loves to point out… And, did I point out that I don’t feel hung over after a homeopathic remedy like I do with the Zanax? THAT IS AMAZING!”
Zella H.
Oklahoma City, OK, USA