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50 REMEDY KIT – $129
100 REMEDY KIT – $195
(price includes shipping)
Every home should have one! Save yourself money and trips to the health food store. Have the acute remedies on hand at all times!
This year’s influenza mix has arrived from the pharmacy. For existing clients, we will be happy to prepare a dose for you and your family. Don’t forget your Echinacea angustifolia tincture and Vitamin C!
Influenza Mix 30C – $19
**CALL OUR OFFICE TO ORDER – 619-741-5795
Mon-Fri 9am-4pm ET**

CALENDULA: use on wounds and abrasion, irritations esp. of sensitive areas, diaper rash; some claim effectiveness on mosquito bites…read more. TINCTURE OR SALVE
ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA: boosts immune system during infection; snake bites…read more. TINCTURE
CRATAEGUS: heart tonic, clears plaque from vessels, improves endurance, strengthens heart and heart muscles; helps reverse arteriosclerosis…read more. TINCTURE
ARNICA MONTANA: bumps and bruises, contusions; internal trauma; sore muscles from overuse; varicose veins with bruised soreness…read more. SALVE
(Note: sometimes the potentized form is more appropriate. Consult with your homeopath)
HEMORRHOID CREAM: a custom blend of tinctures in our salve base has been shown, in clinical practice, to be very helpful to those suffering with many common types of hemorrhoids. SALVE
(others are available, and will be custom made to cover your symptoms!)
(excludes Cilantro)
1oz – $15
2oz- $25
4oz – $45
8oz – $86
2oz – $15
**CALL OUR OFFICE TO ORDER – 619-741-5795
Mon-Fri 9am-4pm ET**
CILANTRO TINCTURE: Ours is organic and made from the fresh leaf for optimum effectiveness. Used in oral chelation protocol to remove mercury and other heavy metals from the body. USE UNDER SUPERVISION ONLY.
4oz – $25
8oz – $45
16oz – $86
300 tablet packs (200mg each): absorbs heavy metals in the digestive tract and helps detoxify your body of ionizing radiation.
1 – $28 each
3 or more – $25 each
FUCUS VESICULOSUS TINCTURE: used during ambient and increased ionizing radiation exposure (as maintenance) to gradually keep the thyroid saturated with iodine. Is generally well tolerated.
1oz – $15
2oz – $25
4oz – $45
POTASSIUM IODIDE TINCTURE: used during acute ionizing radiation exposure to quickly saturate the thyroid with iodine to lessen the absorption of radioactive iodine. Should not be used for maintenance. Not as well tolerated as Fucus.
1oz – $15
2oz – $25
4oz – $45
GINKGO BILOBA TINCTURE: improves blood flow to the brain which can have positive effects on memory; increases blood flow to vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the organ systems…powerful antioxidant and contributes to the oxidation of free radicals…read more
1oz – $15
2oz – $25
4oz – $45
Single Person – includes 2oz Fucus, 2oz Potassium Iodide, 2oz Ginkgo Biloba; 2 Packs Chlorella tabs; Homeopathic remedies Xray 30C, Radium bromatum 30C, Uranium nitricum 30C, for only $165
(a $188 Value!)
Family Pack – includes 4oz Fucus, 4oz Potassium Iodide, 4oz Ginkgo Biloba; 4 Packs Chlorella tabs; Homeopathic remedies Xray 30C, Radium bromatum 30C, Uranium nitricum 30C, for only $258
(a $292 Value!)
PLEASE NOTE: The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are for educational purposes only. They shall in no way be construed as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, nor should they substitute for seeing a qualified medical professional. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
Happy New Year to you!
On January 2nd, we found ourselves with a plumber (Frank) in our house repairing a leaking pipe. As Frank walked by me, I said to him, “Happy New Year,” to which he grumpily replied, “It’s not happy yet.” Apparently, he has gone through a recent separation from his wife and is living alone.
You could see the grief, anger and loneliness written all over his face. Here was a person who could greatly benefit from homeopathic treatment. It could help him heal, move on and be free of the wounds of this ordeal. I had a hard time NOT telling him about homeopathy.
I’m not just talking shop here. Those of you who know me know I really feel strongly about this. Because of all I have personally seen in my own healing process (including grief), I believe that if Frank had the wonderful benefit of homeopathy, when I said “Happy New Year,” he would have responded with the same…and maybe also a smile – even during a difficult situation.
Mr. Mueller and I would like to wish you the very best for the New Year. Should you reach a hiccup in the road, please don’t hesitate to call for a consultation. Thank you for choosing Homeopathic Associates for your health care needs!
Best of Health,
Manfred Mueller
“I want to let you know that the Reverse Chronological Tautopathy–clearing the effects of past medications and vaccines beginning with the most recent ones–was exactly what I needed. I think it has made a real difference in my health.”
JP, Utah
“My family has been working with you guys for over 8 years now. You have been there for us through some pretty hairy situations – like the 3 am calls for extreme vomiting, an auto accident, a breech birth, two broken bones, a detached retina… and then the usual stuff like chronic constipation and hormonal problems.
“I told you I would refer my parents to you. To my dismay, they will not call you (or any homeopath) for treatment for themselves. They may ask me for an occasional remedy, but they balk at the broader notion of homeopathy. Even when the success and proof is right in front of their faces they still deny its results.
“It has been both a joy and a blessing to watch the troubles my own little family was having unwind and resolve. Our health has improved, my children perform better in school and sports, my marriage has improved and is rock solid now, and I know so much more about myself than ever before. We would like you and others to know how grateful we are for your services.“
LDR, Indiana
“I want to tell you [Kristina Star] and Mr. Mueller thank you so very much for all that you have done to help us. D and I are healing and we are so grateful for your help. I believe that Mr. Mueller said it well when he said that D’s main problem is mercury. That is becoming very evident. I really appreciate how Mr. Mueller is teaching us to know how to help him. I don’t want this time to pass without expressing our gratitude to both of you.”
JS, Tennessee
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(re-edited reprint from our September 2010 Newsletter)
These are some tips from Manfred’s 30+ years of homeopathic study and practice, and more than 200 years of clinical experience and observation by homeopaths from around the world:
1. HEALTH AND DISEASE ARE “ENERGETIC” STATES. Our bodies are regulated and kept in perfect harmony by a bio-electromagnetic field permeating all cells and tissues. The body’s energy field is susceptible to contact with outside energetic fields.
For example, physicists have shown that the direction of spin of electromagnetic charges in vacuum determines whether or not exposure to these charges will be beneficial or harmful to health. Other scientists are working on the “memory of water” and have been able to prove that water molecules can take on the vibrational frequency (for better or worse) of things around them.
Similarly, according to new research, we “catch” colds or other communicable disease when our body’s bio-energetic field is too weak to resist the alien electromagnetic frequency of the virus.
Likewise, homeopathic remedies are energetic signals suspended in water. The right resonant frequency is able to strengthen the body’s natural regulatory field and induce tremendous improvements in one’s health without the usual “side effects” associates with medications which extinguish (suppress) symptoms.
2. WHAT ABOUT WASHING MY HANDS OFTEN? As you can see, we don’t necessarily believe in the germ theory. However, we know people who swear by washing their hands often.
On the other hand (no pun intended), evidence exists (though it’s hard to find) that frequent washing of hands removes an oil layer that helps your skin keep a protective barrier against opportunistic viruses, infections and bacteria. If you work in a restaurant, daycare, a hospital or other field where you are exposed to bodily fluids and exudates, we would highly recommend frequent washing of hands, HOWEVER, by using an unscented, non-antibacterial, non-detergent based soap like castile soap (keep a small bottle in your pocket or fanny pack). Believe it or not, these do a fine job of killing bacteria.
The real threat is the TRICLOSAN and other “antibacterial” agents which are the active ingredients in antibacterial soaps. They are carcinogenic. See research done on this, see:
We have the homeopathic H1N1, Pertussis, HPV and Influenza nosodes and more**. Homeopathic Physicians recommend these for the safe and effective prevention of infectious diseases.
** Homeopathic Associates can only provide remedy preparation services for those who are established clients.
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“The recipe comes from an up and coming designer from Alabama, Billy Reid. I got it from a Bon Appetit magazine. This is a great way to utilize collards, and it’s a good Southern dish. I must have made this dish eight times already this winter! It’s a real winner!”
– Kristina Star, Office Manager for Homeopathic Associates
- 2 large bunches collard greens (about 1 1/2 lb.), center stems removed and leaves cut into 1/2” strips
- Kosher salt
- 2 teaspoons vegetable oil
- 1 cup 1/3” (about 6 oz.) thick-cut smoked bacon
- Unsalted butter (if needed)
- 2 large shallots, finely chopped
- 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
- 1 1/2 teaspoons sweet paprika
- 2 cups whole milk
- 2 cups heavy cream
- Freshly ground black pepper
Blanch greens in a large pot of boiling salted water until bright green and beginning to soften, 3–4 minutes. Transfer to a large bowl of ice water to cool. Squeeze dry.
Heat oil in a large heavy pot over medium heat. Add bacon and cook until fat is rendered and bacon is crisp, 5–7 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, transfer bacon to paper towels to drain; set aside.
Drain all but 3 Tbsp. bacon drippings from pot, adding butter if needed to measure 3 Tbsp. Add shallots; cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until soft, about 5 minutes. Add flour and paprika; stir constantly for 2 minutes. Whisk in milk and cream; bring to a boil, whisking often. Stir in greens; reduce heat to low. Simmer, stirring often, until greens are tender and sauce thickens, about 30 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Transfer creamed greens to a serving dish; garnish with reserved bacon.
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