Springtime Came Early!

With the warm weather we’ve been having throughout most of the United States, we hardly noticed the arrival of the official first day of Spring on March 20th. But here it is! And the warm temperatures have not let up.
It’s been so warm for so long that our children (and us!) already have a good base sun tan – which is a good thing to begin building from now to help prevent sun burns during the more intense heat and UV radiation of the summer. In fact, you can learn more about our view on sun tanning, sunscreens and alternatives in our June 2011 Newsletter.
We hope you will visit our brand-new website, www.HomeopathicAssociates.com and take advantage of some of the great resources found there such as our blog (where you will find resources to aid your homeopathic self-care knowledge), newsletter archive (tips and more) and especially, our library (loaded with all kinds of information to help your navigate through a tough and unhealthy world).
All the best,
Manfred Mueller
Allergies! Allergies! Allergies!
Is Spring plaguing you with allergy troubles? Springtime isn’t the only season to affect allergy sufferers, and certainly there are those out there who are being affected by more than just seasonal allergies – such as food allergies, allergic dermatitis, chemical sensitivities, food sensitivities, spontaneous allergic reactions and much more.
Homeopathy is just to thing to curb your allergies and reactions without suppressing your vital immune functions like conventional allergy meds such as Benadryl, Zyrtec, Claritin and Sudafed do. What harm can suppressing my allergy symptoms do? Take a look at this list:
- drowsiness, fatigue, dry mouth and eyes, sore throat, lowered immune function (meaning you are more susceptible to infections and more allergies!!), diarrhea, insomnia, early menstrual period, restlessness, irritability or anxiety, loss of appetite, sweating, strange sensations, tumors (yes! I said tumors!), heart palpitations, anemia, thrombocytopenia, hallucinations, glaucoma, irregular heart beat, heart palpitations and so many more! Folks, these are only a few of the side effects listed for the first two drugs in the list!! I didn’t even get to Claritin or Sudafed!
Fortunately, there are safe and effective alternatives, and Homeopathy offers two kinds of drug free relief that can even be used during pregnancy, in children and in the elderly without any risks of harm!
- Symptomatic Relief is where you treat only your allergy symptoms as they come along. Remedies are chosen based on your specific allergy symptoms. You may wish to try one of the many combination homeopathic remedies specific for allergies which some folks report as being useful in reducing their allergy symptoms. Of course it’s always more helpful to find a specific remedy to address your particular symptoms.
- Chronic Treatmentis when you address ALL of your symptoms through what many term as “constitutional” treatment, which may involve more than one remedy taken on a daily basis. This kind of homeopathic treatment can remove the underlying tendency for you to have the allergy attacks and other reactions in the first place! You can also use symptomatic treatment at the same time. With chronic treatment, you will also notice other systems in your body are feeling better, too, such as your memory, your sleep, your relationships and more.Did you know that homeopathy could do all this, both safely and without side effects??
Homeopathy: The only side effect is restored health!
Eating What’s In Season
Speaking of Spring, a bounty of fresh fruits and vegetables is coming into season right now! Consider eating only (or mostly) what produce is in season. This is one way to ensure that you are getting the freshest, most nutritious and most local produce possible. We do our best to buy seasonal produce from local, organic farmers. We are blessed in our area to have an abundance of farmers and farmer’s markets where we can avoid the middle man (grocery stores) and bring home the freshest, best tasting produce possible.
If you are interested in buying locally, here are a few online resources to help you find local farmers in your area. Remember, many farmers do not advertise on these sites so it may also be helpful for you to ask around at your local health food stores for resources:
Spring Produce In Season and Coming Soon:
- Apricots
- Artichokes
- Arugula
- Avocados
- Asparagus
- Beets
- Carrots
- Celeriac
- Chard and other greens
- Fennel
- Garlic
- Grapefruit
- Kiwis
- Leeks
- Lettuces
- Mustard Greens
- Radishes
- Strawberries
- Vidalia Onions
- Watercress
- And so much more!
Yummy Springtime Recipe

Download this awesome recipe:
Spring Peas with Dates and Walnuts
Remember to use only organic ingredients in your diet. It makes an enormous difference in your health, especially in the long run. Consider the extra expenditure for organic food as your “health insurance”. Here’s just a small reason to buy organic. More will be posted soon!
New Organic Chlorella

Mercury and heavy metals are a big problem in modern society. During challenge test studies 99% of people who have a history of exposure to mercury will show mercury toxicity!
Removing all sources of mercury from your life and then taking steps to remove the mercury from your body, will keep you healthy and well, and avoid so many chronic health problems in the future (and most likely, resolve many of your current health complaints!). Some common sources for mercury exposure are mercury amalgam fillings (the shiny silver ones), vaccines, most fish and all seafoods, certain drugs and cosmetics, etc.
Chronic infections, fatigue, memory issues, aches and pains, gout, behavioral changes, skin conditions, digestive issues…these are just a few of the health problems associated with chronic mercury toxicity.
BioPure Chlorella
Our practice is always working to improve the products and services we provide to our clients. We are pleased to have discovered a new source for certified Organic Chlorella called “BioPure”. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D., PhD.D. (you know, the researcher that Mr. Mueller is always talking about in relation to mercury!) recommends BioPure over all others and when comparing costs it is actually more cost-effective than other non-certified brands.
BioPure has very strict growing practices, and they take steps to shield the growing chlorella from ionizing radiation and other contaminants.
Other benefits of Chlorella: it’s high in protein and many other nutrients and minerals, and it helps remove other environmental toxins such as nuclear radiation.
Two convenient sizes
400 tablets (250mg ea) – 1/$45, 3 or more $41 each
1000 tablets (250mg ea) – 1/$90, 3 or more $83 each
Price Comparison:
- BioPure Chlorella, you pay $.11/per 250mg –
Certified Organic
- Sun Chlorella, you paid $.12/per 200mg –Non-Organic
Please note: the new tablets are 250mg each, rather than 200mg each as was the case for Sun Chlorella, our previous brand. Please keep this in mind and adjust your doses accordingly.
Contact our office to order: 619-741-5795
Recovery of the Month
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder:
“When I was very young, about age 13, I became very overly concerned about order and cleanliness. I spent a lot of time organizing. Over the next 3 years, this developed into an obsession. I became especially preoccupied with germs and contamination. Eventually my mom took me to a physician who diagnosed me with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). By that time, my OCD was so bad that I spent all day cleaning and washing my clothes multiple times a day. When it got really bad, I was running the washing machine all day long! The problem got so severe that I stopped having time for my homework and my grades were affected. I could no longer play sports, especially contact sports like soccer, for fear of contamination from blood or other bodily fluids (like contracting HIV or AIDS)…” Read More
Tip of the Month
Easy & Cheap Homemade Shampoo and Conditioner! (video)
Comments: I’ve been using these same ingredients (baking soda and vinegar) to successfully wash my hair for the past 3 years! She has a great technique similar to what I have found works for me. Although, she has thin, fine short baby hair and my hair is very thick, long and wavy, slightly coarse, I still achieve great results.
Yes, your hair might “freak out” the first few weeks as it adjusts from the suppressive ingredients in regular shampoo to the new, clean without chemicals you! But rest assured…if you give it time, you will be pleased with the results and have unbelievably clean hair at a fraction of the cost!
If you consider trying this, use aluminum-free baking soda (if it does not say “aluminum-free” it is not! Please call our office to order aluminum-free baking soda) and certified organic
Health News

- My Potato Project; The Importance of “Organic”Comments: WOW, A MUST SEE! I liked this video as it really brings home the difference between Organic, Quasi-Organic (those sold near non-organic foods) and Non-Organic foods.
- 97% of Terminal Cancer Patients Previously Had This Dental Procedure…Comments: ROOT CANALS!! We’ve been telling you of their harm for many, many years. Folks, they are a serious health risk!
- Does Conventional Medical Training Remove Empathy?Comments: “Mood change and empathy decline persist during three years of internal medicine training,” researchers noted that some of the mood disturbances and declines in empathy associated with residency/internship “never fully recover,” indicating that conventional medical training may produce real, diagnosable psychological traumas that may never be fully resolved and may adversely affect the quality of health care provided.”
- Roughhousing with your kids keeps them emotionally intelligent, ethical and physically fit
- Breaking: Fluoride Linked to #1 Cause of Death in New Research
- Bill introduced to regulate men’s reproductive health
- Scandalous: Scientists and Doctors Falsifying Research Data
Comments: “A survey of nearly 2,800 scientists and doctors in the UK has found that 13 percent of them admitted to witnessing the falsification and fabrication of data created by their colleagues.” That is, ONLY 13 percent ADMITTED to it! Imagine how many have actually witnessed this? It’s no wonder when you see the gross discrepancies in medicine, medical theories and the lack of reporting of serious side effects and complications of drugs and other procedures…
Good Clean Fun

Phone Consultations
Whether you suffer from a sudden acute illness or a long-standing chronic condition, you now have the option to attain the services of a homeopathic health care expert from the comfort of your home, office, car, yacht, plane, or wherever you are!
Call our office with any questions at 619-741-5795, or visit our website to learn more about our practice:
The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are for educational purposes only and cannot be construed as medical or legal advice. Please feel free to share this with your family and friends. This newsletter is property of Homeopathic Associates and it’s agents. Please obtain permission before reprinting any part of it by emailing [email protected]. Copyright 1986-2012 All rights reserved.
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Special Offers
Acute Care Homeopathic Remedy Kits

– 50 Remedy Kit – $129
– 100 Remedy Kit – $195
(price includes shipping)
Every home should have one! Save yourself money and trips to the health food store. Have the acute remedies on hand at all times!
Influenzinum Mix
This year’s influenza mix has arrived from the pharmacy. For existing clients, we will be happy to prepare a dose for you and your family. Don’t forget your Echinacea angustifolia tincture and Vitamin C!
Influenza Mix 30C – $19
** Call Our Office to Order – 619-741-5795
Mon-Fri 9am-4pm ET **
Mother Tinctures and In-House Made Salves
Ginkgo Biloba Tincture

A powerful antioxidant that contributes to the oxidation of free radicals. Helps undo damage caused by cell phones/microwaves and radiation exposure. improves blood flow to the brain which can have positive effects on memory; increases blood flow to vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the organ systems…read more
1oz – $15
2oz – $25
4oz – $45

use on wounds and abrasion, irritations esp. of sensitive areas, diaper rash; some claim effectiveness on mosquito bites…read more. TINCTURE OR SALVE
Echinacea Angustifolia

boosts immune system during infection; snake bites…read more. TINCTURE
Crataegus oxycanthus

heart tonic, clears plaque from vessels, improves endurance, strengthens heart and heart muscles; helps reverse arteriosclerosis…read more. TINCTURE
Arnica montana

bumps and bruises, contusions; internal trauma; sore muscles from overuse; varicose veins with bruised soreness…read more. SALVE
(Note: sometimes the potentized form is more appropriate. Consult with your homeopath)
Hemorrhoid Cream
a custom blend of tinctures in our salve base has been shown, in clinical practice, to be very helpful for those suffering with many common types of hemorrhoids. SALVE
Others tinctures and salves are available, and can be custom made to cover your symptoms!
Tincture Prices
(excludes Cilantro)
1oz – $15
2oz- $25
4oz – $45
8oz – $86
Salve Prices
2oz – $15
** Call Our Office to Order – 619-741-5795
Mon-Fri 9am-4pm ET **
Cilantro Tincture

Ours is organic and made from the fresh leaf for optimum effectiveness. Used in oral chelation protocol to remove mercury and other heavy metals from the body. USE UNDER SUPERVISION ONLY.
4oz – $25
8oz – $45
16oz – $86
New Organic Chlorella

(brand new supplier!!)
(250mg each): absorbs heavy metals in the digestive tract and helps detoxify your body of ionizing radiation.
400 tablet packs
1 – $45 each
3 or more – $41 each
1000 tablet packs
1 – $90 each
3 or more – $83 each
Specialty Tinctures – Radiation Protection
Fucus Vesiculosus Tincture

used during ambient and increased ionizing radiation exposure (as maintenance) to gradually keep the thyroid saturated with iodine. Is generally well tolerated.
1oz – $15
2oz – $25
4oz – $45
Potassium Iodide Tincture

used during acute ionizing radiation exposure to quickly saturate the thyroid with iodine to lessen the absorption of radioactive iodine. Should not be used for maintenance. Not as well tolerated as Fucus.
1oz – $15
2oz – $25
4oz – $45
**Also consider Gingko biloba tincture as a radiation defense tincture (see above)
Ionizing Radiation Defense Package
Single Person – includes 2oz Fucus, 2oz Potassium Iodide, 2oz Ginkgo Biloba; 2 Packs Chlorella tabs; Homeopathic remedies Xray 30C, Radium bromatum 30C, Uranium nitricum 30C, for only $155
(a $188 Value!)
Family Pack – includes 4oz Fucus, 4oz Potassium Iodide, 4oz Ginkgo Biloba; 4 Packs Chlorella tabs; Homeopathic remedies Xray 30C, Radium bromatum 30C, Uranium nitricum 30C, for only $258
(a $292 Value!)
For More Information on Radiation: View our “Health Alert: Homeopathy and Radiation ” Newsletter.
PLEASE NOTE: The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are for educational purposes only. They shall in no way be construed as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, nor should they substitute for seeing a qualified medical professional. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.