February has been designated, among other things, as “American Heart Month.” In doing our part to help you stay healthy, we thought it helpful to point out how quickly and successfully homeopathic treatment can not only help heal emotional heart related issues but also help physical heart related conditions. In fact, Mr. Mueller holds a specialty certificate in Homeopathic Cardiology.
A prominent American Cardiac Surgeon once said that a tincture made from the Hawthorne plant (that’s Crataegus to a homeopath) should be put into everyone’s drinking water. He particulary noted how widespread heart disease had become in this country AND how safe it was to use this very benefical tincture.
Please visit our website, and take advantage of some of the great resources found there such as our blog (where you will find resources to aid your homeopathic self-care knowledge), newsletter archive (tips and more) and especially, our library (loaded with all kinds of information to help your navigate through a tough and unhealthy world).
Wishing you the best of health and happiness,
Manfred Mueller
Kristina Star, Office Manager
and the Staff of Homeopathic Associates |
Cold Weather Tips
Can cold weather make us sick? Yes it can! Read our tips for how to use homeopathy to treat common acute ailments from exposure to cold from our December 2011 Newsletter.
For more suggestions on how to boost your immunity, you can view previous newsletters from January 2012 and September 2011 as well.
Healing the Sting of Cupid’s Arrow:
How Homeopathy Can Help
Not everyone is happy on Valentine’s Day. Sometimes relationships come to a sudden end, feelings can get hurt, hearts may break. Read on for some homeopathic solutions…
- For sadness resulting from romantic disappoints and for ailments from lovesickness, try Ignatia amara.
- When you have been slighted or rejected by a romantic “hopeful”, a dose of Palladium may set you straight.
- When you are “in the dumps,” lonely or feeling forsaken by your friends, Pulsatilla may come in handy.
- When a relationship becomes rocky and you feel a sense of mortification by something your loved one has said or done, a dose of Staphysagria may work better than a stiff drink!
- If you have been out of “the dating game” for too long because you have never gotten over your last relationship, Natrum muriaticum may give you a new lease on life.
- For those who have tragically lost their true love, Aurum metallicum can heal their wounds.
As you can see, homeopathy has a specific remedy for each of these circumstances and the varied emotions these situations bring with them. Conventional medicine would probably prescribe antidepressants (i.e. selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, SSRI’s) to suppress unpleasant, but real feelings. They work by flooding the brain with the “feel good” neurotransmitter serotonin creating a false “high”.
One problem with this approach is: there are always some adverse side effects from these drugs. And covering up your real feelings may contribute to a false view of a situation preventing your from learning an important lesson.
A Happy Ending? Taking a homeopathic remedy during times of stress can bring rapid and gentle relief without side effects, without covering up your true feelings and often helping you resolve the situation faster than either with or without the use of drug therapy.
Latest Blog Post:
Protecting Your Remedies On the Go
Conventional drugs have expiration dates and storage rules (e.g. keep refrigerated, keep out of direct sunlight, keep at moderate temperatures, etc). So it should be no surprise that homeopathic remedies have storage and handling considerations, as well. The tips listed below are good rules of thumb to use all the time to help protect your investment in homeopathy.
The FDA requires homeopathic remedy manufacturers to put an arbitrary expiration date onto each vial of remedy sold. From the observations of homeopathic practitioners, if proper storage conditions are maintained, your homeopathic pellets will give you a lifetime of service, despite their “expiration date”.
In pellet form, homeopathic remedies are relatively stable. There is little risk of rendering them ineffective by outside factors if a few simple rules are followed.
Read More…
Homeopathy Gets Positive Media Exposure
A Canadian homeopath and homeopathic activist, Karen Wehrstein, wrote a nice editorial response for a Canadian newspaper.
Karen Wehrstein: Homeopathy offers hope
You can also visit a great website that Karen and some of her colleagues developed in response to “quackbusters” alleging homeopathy is “bad science.”
Who/what are “quackbusters?” It’s a multimillion dollar covert campaign conducted by the American Medical Association and the pharmaceutical industry to eliminate treatments the don’t used conventional drugs. What in industry circles, is known as the “anti-quackery campaign,” was exposed during Wilks vs. AMA—an anti-trust lawsuit the chiropractors won against the AMA. Apparently 14 major drug companies fund this secret operation to eliminate natural and alternative therapies.
Mr. Mueller promises to put his article “Racketeering in Medicine” in our website soon. For more information, you may want to read books and articles by authors such as P. Joe Lisa (Assault on Medical Freedom), Tim Bolen, James Carter, MD (Racketeering in Medicine), Guylaine Lanctot (Medical Mafia) and Martin Walker (Cultural Dwarfs and Junk Journalism; and Dirty Medicine).
United States
On Monday January 28th, 2013, on his weekly show, Dr. Oz interviewed several licensed healthcare providers who use homeopathy in their practices. Lisa Samet, ND, even gave helpful hints
Homeopathy on Dr. Oz, part 1
Homeopathy on Dr. Oz, part 2
Dr. Samet shares more tips (not shown on the show)
Apparently one or more of the MD’s on the show uses injections of homeopathic remedies in his practice.
Mr. Mueller says: “Injections have been used by some homeopaths throughout the past 2 centuries. Some claim injections produce a more localized response (ie. especially in tumors). This practice is largely based on clinical reports and the research on this topic has been scanty. Homeopathic treatment based on Hahnemann’s philosophy does not require, by definition, injection. There are 3 modes of administration recognized in Hahnemannian homeopathy: the sublingual dose (a pellet or drops of liquid placed under the tongue), the olfactory dose (inhaled through the nose) and the haptic dose (drops of the liquid applied on the skin, i.e. in unconscious patients).”
Apparently, in the first part this same show, Piers Morgan, British journalist and TV host, had Dr. Oz administer a flu shot to him on national television (a publicity stunt to support the flu vaccine campaign, of course). A few days afterwards, Piers became very sick with the flu! Mr. Mueller (and others) has been saying for MANY YEARS how vaccines cause the disease they are supposedly immunizing you for. (e.g. Vaccine failure admitted: Whooping cough outbreaks higher among children already vaccinated)
SIDENOTE: It is noteworthy that this was the same GlaxoSmithKline’s Pandemrix H1N1 swine flu vaccine that, 2 days prior, had been reported to have caused over 800 cases of narcolepsy (sleeping sickness) in children! Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of cases of the flu, the set up of chronic illnesses, and the whole host of other illnesses that these vaccines have caused.
Just For Fun – International Style
Commentary: Two young boys, around ages 12 and 10, playing a great piece of music!
Commentary: This is so cool!
Commentary: Only in America!!
Phone Consultations
Whether you suffer from a sudden acute illness or a long-standing chronic condition, you now have the option to attain the services of a homeopathic health care expert from the comfort of your home, office, car, yacht, plane, or wherever you are!
Call our office with any questions at 619-741-5795, or visit our website to learn more about our practice:
The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are for educational purposes only and cannot be construed as medical or legal advice. Please feel free to share this with your family and friends. This newsletter is property of Homeopathic Associates and it’s agents. Please obtain permission before reprinting any part of it by emailing [email protected]. Copyright 1986-2013 All rights reserved.
This message is for the designated recipient only and may contain privileged, proprietary or otherwise private information. If you have received it in error, please notify Homeopathic Associates immediately and delete the original. Any further use of this email is prohibited.
Any attempts to intercept this message are in violation of Title 18 U.S.C. 2511(1) of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA). All violators are subject to fines, imprisonment or civil damages, or both. |
Special Offers
Influenzinum Mix
This year’s influenza mix has arrived from the pharmacy. For existing clients, we will be happy to prepare a dose for you and your family. Don’t forget your Echinacea angustifolia tincture and Vitamin C!
Influenza Mix 30C – $19
** Call Our Office to Order – 619-741-5795
Mon-Fri 9am-4pm ET **
Mother Tinctures and In-House Made Salves
Crataegus oxycanthus

heart tonic, clears plaque from vessels, improves endurance, strengthens heart and heart muscles; helps reverse arteriosclerosis… TINCTURE
Ginkgo Biloba Tincture

A powerful antioxidant that contributes to the oxidation of free radicals. Helps undo damage caused by cell phones/microwaves and radiation exposure. improves blood flow to the brain which can have positive effects on memory; increases blood flow to vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the organ systems…

use on wounds and abrasion, irritations esp. of sensitive areas, diaper rash; some claim effectiveness on mosquito bites…. TINCTURE OR SALVE
Echinacea Angustifolia

boosts immune system during infection; snake bites… TINCTURE
Arnica montana

bumps and bruises, contusions; internal trauma; sore muscles from overuse; varicose veins with bruised soreness… SALVE
(Note: sometimes the potentized form is more appropriate. Consult with your homeopath)
Hemorrhoid Cream
a custom blend of tinctures in our salve base has been shown, in clinical practice, to be very helpful for those suffering with many common types of hemorrhoids. SALVE
Others tinctures and salves are available, and can be custom made to cover your symptoms!
Tincture Prices
(excludes Cilantro)
2oz- $25
4oz – $45
8oz – $86
Salve Prices
2oz – $15
** Call Our Office to Order – 619-741-5795
Mon-Fri 9am-4pm ET **
Cilantro Tincture

Ours is organic and made from the fresh leaf for optimum effectiveness. Used in oral chelation protocol to remove mercury and other heavy metals from the body. USE UNDER SUPERVISION ONLY.
4oz – $25
8oz – $45
16oz – $86
Acute Care Homeopathic Remedy Kits
– 50 Remedy Kit – $130
– 100 Remedy Kit – $225
(price includes shipping)
Every home should have one! Save yourself money and trips to the health food store. Have the acute remedies on hand at all times! Includes a free Materia Medica written by Mr. Mueller!
New Organic Chlorella

(brand new supplier!!)
(250mg each): absorbs heavy metals in the digestive tract and helps detoxify your body of ionizing radiation.
400 tablet packs
1 – $45 each
3 or more – $41 each
1000 tablet packs
1 – $90 each
3 or more – $83 each
Specialty Tinctures – Radiation Protection
Fucus Vesiculosus Tincture

used during ambient and increased ionizing radiation exposure (as maintenance) to gradually keep the thyroid saturated with iodine. Is generally well tolerated.
1oz – $15
2oz – $25
4oz – $45
Potassium Iodide Tincture

used during acute ionizing radiation exposure to quickly saturate the thyroid with iodine to lessen the absorption of radioactive iodine. Should not be used for maintenance. Not as well tolerated as Fucus.
1oz – $15
2oz – $25
4oz – $45
**Also consider Gingko biloba tincture as a radiation defense tincture (see above) |
PLEASE NOTE: The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are for educational purposes only. They shall in no way be construed as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, nor should they substitute for seeing a qualified medical professional. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
“I’m writing to tell you about my son Greg who was a bright eyed, calm, robust and happy as a baby. At about 18 months old, I noticed dark circles under his eyes. He’d been “the hoss” of the family of 6 boys, wearing the same size clothes as his next older brother (2 yrs older) and weighing almost as much! By age 2 ½ yrs, he’d become emotionally liable, whining at everything (i.e. minor frustrations like dropping his spoon, etc) and eventually angry, vengeful, withdrawn, sunken eyed and his face got puffy. And no more hugs for Mommy!
“For many years now, I’ve treated all of my children exclusively with homeopathy. By myself I gave Greg numerous remedies, but it wasn’t doing much good. I was beginning to give up on homeopathy. I needed help. Greg’s behavior was disrupting our family and he was only getting worse.
Mr. Mueller took one look at his photos and our description of him and chose the remedy Cina in daily doses. Sometime after the first dose, Greg spontaneously came up to me and hugged me saying, “I love you Mommy.” My heart melted! He hadn’t done that in 6 months!! At the end of the first week, the dark circles were noticeably lighter and his face was no longer puffy! It’s been 2 months now and I feel like we finally have our son back. He’s calm, cheerful, loving and happy again! Thank you Mr. Mueller!”
Shelly C.
Santa Fe, NM, USA
Please send us your story how you or your loved ones have recovered from a health condition through homeopathic treatment.