I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2010. In the middle of 2018, Dr. Manfred Mueller said all of my symptoms were actually caused by Mercury Poisoning. In just half a year I’ve seen symptoms reduce to the point I no longer had to go to the hospital because of a cold. My tremors have noticeably reduced. My balance is better. My insomnia is reducing. My speech is better. My memory is a lot better. I FEEL better because Dr. Mueller’s treatment. I am very grateful for his treatment and knowledge he has in this, and I look forward to more healing with his treatment and guidance. He knows what needs to be done to heal these symptoms. He listens to each patient’s individual needs and symptoms. He’s the best I’ve met when it comes to healing this in these past 8 1/2 years. He’s worth every penny. Thank you, Dr. Mueller!
Beau B.
South Florida