A reminder to enjoy the simple and the beautiful!
Greetings Clients and Friends,
I had a few minutes to spare the other day between appointments so I decided to do something I hadn’t done in months…read the news! I was shocked at the strange weather, the sensationalism, the hype, the tragedy! Mostly I was angered at the outright manipulation that is so obviously a part of news reporting (and has been since they realized how much they could use the news to sway public opinion!). For a moment, I got caught up in the frenzy of it all. Once I came to my senses, I realized that this same frenzy and uncertainty is showing up in our clients, too.
Some of our clients can’t sleep. Some are worried. Some are overly stressed. Many feel anxious for no reason. Still others have a sense of impending doom or sense of uncertainty. They need reassurance, guidance. They are looking for answers.
When a homeopath hears a complaint, no matter how small, they take it seriously. The subtle ways in which you are affected by stress, bad news, arguments, uncertainly, and the way you handle an unknown situation when something has gone wrong – these are all important clues to finding a remedy that makes you feel better and function better in life.
People have vastly different responses to stressors – some responses are productive and many are not! Homeopathy is the great equalizer! Calming down the “over-reactive”, ramping up the “sluggish”, and stabilizing the “unbalanced!
This is a great newsletter to share with your family and friends! Keep sharing “homeopathy” as much as your can (see the buttons at the top and bottom of this email). You never know when someone may need the extra help, or when they will be ready to accept it!
Best of health,
Manfred Mueller, MA, DHM, RSHom(NA), CCH
and our amazing Clinic Staff
Free 15 Minute Phone Chat . Get Started with Treatment
We’ll be closed for our Spring Break April 9-13, 2018
All remedy orders should be placed by April 4th to ensure we have enough time to prepare and send them before we leave!
Manfred Mueller, A Renaissance Man of Healing 
“When conventional medicine doesn’t work, people often turn to homeopathy. In some cases health problems are so complex that even homeopaths have a difficult time finding a cure. Manfred Muellerunderstands this and has developed an extraordinary repertoire of healing methods (The Mueller Method™), both within homeopathy and beyond. His approach to healing is beautifully eclectic and he can individualize a therapeutic approach, better than anyone I’ve encountered…”
Homeopathy for baby’s rash, NO Nystatin! Natural Treatment of Diaper Rash 
“Muller has made a believer out of me! My baby had a severe rash and I just didn’t feel right about the Nystatin the doctor had prescribed (it made the rash look even more angry). I wanted a natural treatment for diaper rash with no side effects. I got an appointment with her as soon as possible! She helped me calm down and told me what I could try as far as washing him and giving him the homeopathic remedy he needed…”
Just One Drop tells the little known story of homeopathy: the most controversial system of medicine ever invented. Could this be nature’s most potent medicine?
In this two-part docuseries, “The Quest for Real Immunity” dispels the fear surrounding disease, reveals the relationship between humans and viruses, and provides insight into trusting your intuition.
Part 2: “The Passage to Real Immunity” takes a look at resources available to support real immunity, including a closer look at the controversial method called homeoprophylaxis. Hear from parents, doctors, and experts from around the world!
Our current medical system is broken. It focuses on profits and disease, rather than people and wellness. It has few answers for chronic illness, and many of the treatments have side effects that can be worse than the original illness they’re meant to treat.
Homeopathy could be one of the more affordable and effective forms of medicine available. It’s been used to treat everything from Cancer to AIDS and even to prevent disease with very compelling results. There is an increasing body of evidence in the scientific literature to support the 200 years of clinical homeopathic experience, but this evidence is concealed and falsely ridiculed by a system afraid of alternatives.
Local practitioners say holistic treatments can help with flu 
Comedian Christopher Titus Defends Homeopathy For Measles 
Management of Acute Bleeding in Severe Hemophilia Using Homeopathic Medicines: A Multicentric Case Series 
Copy and paste this link into browser https://homeopathicassociates.com/
Masters Homeopathy Appreciate you Informative blog. It is really very
helpful information.