Feeling Under Pressure Lately? Homeopathy Can Help!
Greetings Clients and Friends,
Spring fever is still in the air here! Everyone in our office has been busy planting, cleaning, redecorating, reorganizing and working HARD for months now – every day! I’ve never seen such a dedicated group of people working together for common goals as well as personal ones. I realized the other day, that life had reached the frantic, fever-pitch stage. That is to say, we were getting burnt out.
For ACUTE or SHORT-TERM STRESS, some of our favorite remedies are Pulsatilla, Sepia, Adrenal Cortex, Adrenalinum, Aconitum napellus, Staphysagria, Cortisonum, Xanthoxylum and Nux vomica – taken as indicated and as needed.*
For CHRONIC STRESS, in addition to the remedies listed above, you’ll find great benefit from long-term homeopathic treatment with remedies like Lycopodium, Carcinosin, Natrum muriaticum, Aurum metallicum and so many more.*
Notice that I didn’t mention things like chocolate, wine or marijuana. When people are able to deal with their stress by DIRECTLY UP-REGULATING their level of health via a well chosen homeopathic remedy (or two!), they begin to loose the need to “augment reality” with drugs – like chocolate, wine, liquor, marijuana or any other drug of choice.
Best of health,
Manfred Mueller, MA, DHM, RSHom(NA), CCH
and our amazing Clinic Staff
*For your reference, I have linked most of the above remedies to William Boericke’s “Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica“, a condensed version of the information a homeopath uses to prescribe by.
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Hi All,
I have used homeopathy for 30 years, studied it, treated family and friends and even given educational classes on homeopathy. In a recent consultation with Mr. Mueller, I reported many symptoms. At this time, I’m handling many responsibilities and under a bit of stress. One symptom I mentioned was “my legs feel heavy”. Sorting through the myriad of descriptions of my mind-body that I had just reported to him, at the end of the consult, Mr. Muller paused and said, “Hummm, interesting, your legs feel heavy.” Actually, I had to correct my statement because I realized it was inaccurate!
Keep your REMEDY SOLUTION (the 10% alcohol and distilled water mixture) in one of those glass bottles with a spout– the ones you use for oil or vinegar in your kitchen. You can pick one up where ever they sell kitchen “stuffs”. I always make sure the spout has a cover or cap to keep the alcohols in the solution from evaporating. Available online and at big box and kitchen stores
Storing your liquid remedies in a metal box, like the one we provide you, can give them a longer shelf life. You can take it up a notch in both your protection and remedy portability with a FARADAY BAG. While you are on the go, the key fob sized Faraday bags keep between 1-5 liquid remedies safe from the antidotal effects of EMF’s, WIFI, cellular phones, cordless phones, wireless devices and other fields (see “Antidoting your remedies is easier than you think”). Did I mention they were POCKET SIZED, flexible bags that are easily transported?! Available on the web and, very soon, from us!
Thanks to blogger Mommypotomus for this great recipe…Make your own flea and tick powder from easy to find ingredients. You’ll find the recipe at this link. And while the recipe contains essential oils, they are all considered safe for homeopathic treatment except for peppermint (and maybe the lemon eucalyptus – we don’t have direct experience with that one!).
Make a non-toxic weed-killer by boiling 1 cup of salt in 1 gallon of distilled vinegar. When cooled, put into a spray bottle and spray directly on the leaves, stems and roots. The next day you will notice the plants starting to turn brown. You may need to spray some plants several times over a period of a few days to completely kill them. We’ve even killed poison ivy with this mixture! CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.
Deter ants by sprinkling ground cinnamon. Spread it around the door frame, in cracks and holes, etc. It works like a dream! Use an old medicine dropper or plastic ketsup/mustard bottle (pictured) to “squirt” the cinnamon in hard to reach places.