Can’t You Taste the Turkey and Gravy??
Greetings Clients and Friends,
This Thursday is Thanksgiving in the USA. I love Thanksgiving! Maybe it’s because it comes after the leaves have turned and the first snow is expected. Maybe it’s the memory of my Yiayia’s (Grandmother) very dry turkey and her stuffing that we jokingly called Alpo® because, well, it looked like dog food..fortunately it tasted much better than it looked! Of course it could have been seeing all the extended family members and playing video games with my cousins… Perhaps it’s because we host Thanksgiving at our house now as the “new tradition.” It’s probably a combination of ALL of the above!
I hope you all get to spend Thanksgiving with those you love and respect.
Best of health,
Manfred Mueller, MA, DHM, RSHom(NA), CCH
and our amazing Clinic Staff
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“It makes sense!” 
“I found your website in the middle of the night and I read what you had to say. My mother and I have always loved homeopathy. I said to her, “ FINALLY! These people have something intelligent to say! It makes sense!”
JV, Memphis, TN
BLOG: Homeopathic & Common Sense Suggestions for Holiday Survival
The holiday season is upon us – where has the year gone? During the last month and a half of the year, many of us are gearing up for a busy few weeks. But don’t let self-care fall to the wayside! Who has time to get sick during the busiest time of the year? Keep the following tips in mind this holiday season — your body and mind will thank you!
Prep your Body – Consistent Homeopathic Treatment
Your chances of getting sick during stressful or hectic times will significantly decrease if you take time to prepare your body for the coming onslaught. The simplest way to keep your health up, your stress down and resist infectious diseases is to increase your “vital force” through consistent homeopathic constitutional treatment. If you don’t already, take regular doses of q-potencies or LM potencies in the standard protocol, to avoid the many antidotal factors of modern life.
“Rads on a Plane” – A SPECIAL PROJECT
MEASURING COSMIC RADIATION exposure on airline routes around the world 
From the report:
Here is what we have learned so far:
- Radiation always increases with altitude, with dose rates doubling every 5000 to 6000 feet. This make sense: The closer you get to space, the more cosmic rays you will absorb.
- At typical cruising altitudes, cosmic radiation is 40 to 60 times greater than natural sources at sea level.
- Passengers on cross-country flights across the USA typically absorb a whole body dose equal to 1 or 2 dental X-rays.
- On international flights, the total dose can increase ~five-fold with passengers racking up 5 to 6 dental X-rays.
Subscribe to the “RADS ON A PLANE” newsletter to receive the latest updates:
***Remember to take several doses of homeopathic Xray 30C after each airplane flight to antidote the harmful effects of flying!***
Study recognizes efficacy of homeopathy in dental problems
Homeopath Kavita Chandak’s study on “Reducing Steroids in Dental Problems” suggests homeopathic medicines can offer a non-toxic remedy and the relief can be the same as compared to steroids. The study was conducted on the conditions oral lichen planus and trigeminal neuralgia. |
Jessica Alba likes homeopathy!
“I did a TV show in Australia for two years, and that’s where I learned about homeopathy and homeopathic medicine.”
Homeopathic treatment for prolonged postoperative coma: a case report
The article presents a case of postoperative coma treated successfully with homeopathy. Although a rare complication, postoperative coma is a severe, death-leading condition, causing immense suffering on both the patient and the patient’s family. A multidisciplinary and thorough approach is necessary for these patients, but even after a well-conducted therapy, this condition leads to the death of the patient. |