exercise and a good nutrition. Nutritional advice sometimes overlooks the necessary care we
need to maintain good gut health. Our digestive tract harbors different species of natural
bacteria that play important roles in various aspects of our health, including weight
management, blood sugar control, immunity, and even brain function. Gut bacteria can
absorb heavy metals like mercury. A healthy gut micro biome is crucial to reduce gut
you, these bacteria will need to eat to stay strong and healthy. One of the most important
nutrients for all Lactobacillus species is lactose. Small amounts of lactose are essential for the
good bacteria to populate and improve your gut biome and your gut health. Avoiding
unnecessary antibiotics that harm or kill your good bacteria goes a long way help your gut. If
antibiotics have already been doing harm or when they are absolutely necessary, we have a
protocol to restore your gut health.
yoghurt or kefir per week goes a long way towards feeding the millions of beneficial bacteria
in your gut. For those who wish to avoid dairy products, sauerkraut is loaded with
probiotics. Whole plant foods of a wide variety can provide soluble and fermentable dietary
fiber that passes through your digestive track until it reaches your gut biome. These fibers
then feed beneficial gut bacteria and help them support your good health.
“In May, 2012, my 21 year old daughter had very swollen legs and ankles and was diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome. We went the usual route that lead to an appointment with a kidney specialist. The specialist wanted to put my daughter on 5 different drugs, the main one being a steroid, and also wanted to do a kidney biopsy (a painful and risky procedure). The biopsy was to determine what the type of disease was causing the NS. The result would have been the same treatment no matter what they found, so I said wait on the biopsy and let’s try the drugs first.
I left the specialist office that day with the prescriptions for the drugs and got them filled. But, I couldn’t bring myself to give them to her. I knew how the steroids could affect her body and with all the other drugs combined, it was just too much.
I looked into alternative treatment, being a firm believer in natural cures and treatments. I found a video online about a woman whose daughter was cured of NS using the homeopathic remedies provided by Mr. Manfred Mueller.
I contacted Mr. Mueller in June, and found him to be a caring, knowledgeable, patient and thorough homeopathic practitioner. He put my daughter on the remedies and with 4 weeks she had absolutely no swelling. A year later in June of 2013, she was finished with the remedies. It’s 6 months later and she has not had a relapse or any problems and I consider her cured of the NS.
I can’t tell you how pleased I am that I went this route for my daughter, instead of the toxic pharmaceutical drugs that only cause more problems.
What I would say to anyone reading this is please, don’t buy into what the negative information people with no understanding say about homeopathy. I feel they are simply misinformed and they were taught and believe that the only option is to use pharmaceuticals. But, drugs don’t cure anything, they treat symptoms, but they don’t cure. Give homeopathy a chance!”
-LF, Pittsburgh, PA
What’s New?
Manfred Mueller published article in Hypathy
“Such an excellent article! Everyone in my family has these conditions including “Multiple Chemical Sensitivities,” asthma, allergy to cats, and especially hay fever. I sincerely thank you for sharing this valuable information. Now I’m off to go find your article on the cancer diathesis.”
-Linda Santini
Our office will be closed for Summer Holiday:
Thursday, August 25th –September 7th