Update: Norm (the cat) is doing great!
Two days after adding in the homeopathic remedy Natrum muriaticum she is now jogging around the house, drinking water, and eating her regular food, back in the mud room rather than in the living room. I take this to mean she has more energy to expend now. She is talking and fighting me more with the remedies, which means she is getting back to her feisty self.
She still is a little wobbly but much improved. Her head is not tilting as much. She still is not going to the bathroom as much as she should, but maybe that will come in the next few days.
I cannot thank you enough for helping me through this stressful situation. She still has some underlying issues, but I knew it wasn’t her time yet to go, in that way of starving to death. Now when she passes it will be because it is time. We successfully got her back to stable health. That is all I wanted, so thank you!
Wyoming, USA
Here is a video of the cat’s head tilting – this was one of the symptoms Mr. Mueller used to pick remedies for Norm.
SH says: “Believe it or not, this is Norm SKINNY!!”
[gn_video url=”https://homeopathicassociates.com/old/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/NormTheCatheadTiltDec2016.mov” title=”Norm the Cat showing her head tilting” height=”400″]
cat head tilting