Did you know? Nearly 40 million people in the United States experience an anxiety disorder in any given year.
Pictured: Anxiety and common symptoms that are often correlated with It
Greetings Clients and Friends,
One of the most common groups of symptoms we see in clinic today are anxiety, nervousness, panic attacks and uneasy feelings. WHY? Well, if I had the answer to THAT I’d be a millionaire many times over! But what I CAN tell you is that homeopathy has solutions for these symptoms. 9 times out of 10, those who take their remedies as directed report a noticeable reduction in their anxious symptoms, and many have those symptoms completely resolved1.
What happens if the treatment ISN’T helping my anxiety yet? Those who stick with the treatment ALWAYS get better. Homeopathy takes a little work and sometimes, takes a little time. It requires you to not only keep an open dialogue going with your homeopath, but also to honestly report your symptoms. You didn’t know your homeopath would also be acting as a counselor and confidant!
Best of Health,
Manfred Mueller, MA, DHM, RSHom(NA), CCH
and our amazing Clinic Staff
- I’d be more generous with my conclusions here but the reality is, a percentage of people do not stick with the treatment for a variety of reasons. In our clinic, lack of results is the least common one!
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“This summer has been busier than expected. Life has been too fast paced with a “break your neck to get it all done” attitude and too many projects. I’ve been having anxiety, exhaustion & feeling overwhelmed. The children have been fighting and whiny. I have noticed that they are all craving junk food more too (like popcorn, chips, chocolate, ice cream…). I must admit that I have been slack on mixing and/or administering remedies to our family.”
Lacey Morgan
Dalton, GA
Homeopathy offers a VAST variety of different treatment methods for anxiety, depression and fear. Homeopathycenter.org published this highly detailed article, listing numerous alternative, homeopathic treatment options for you to choose from. Ultimately, if you are considering the use of homeopathy to help resolve any of these issues, it is best to first contact a professional Homeopath to discuss what the best route for you will be!
Homeopathy for Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders: A Systematic Review of The Research
“A comprehensive search of major biomedical databases: MEDLINE, EMBASE, ClNAHL, PsycINFO, Cochrane Library; and of specialist complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) databases: AMED, CISCOM and Hom-Inform was conducted. Efforts were made to identify unpublished and ongoing research using relevant sources and experts in the field. Relevant research was categorised by study type and appraised according to study design. Clinical commentaries were obtained for studies reporting clinical outcomes.”