Homeopathic Associates
Newsletter- July 2008 Edition
Contact us by phone at: 619-741-5795 or via
Dear Clients and Friends,
We hope this summer’s heat and drought hasn’t been too much for you, your gardens, crops OR animals to bear. Hot, humid heat can be especially difficult for some of you to tolerate. Fortunately, in homeopathy, we consider intolerance to certain temperatures (among SO many other things) a symptom and can report that with treatment, we see significant reductions in the discomforts produced by extremes of temperature and weather.During the last two months we have come across some very interesting articles and videos on both serious health topics and light entertainment. Mary Poppins believed that “a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.” We thought we’d try the same approach! So here goes…
First, the medicine…
Forced Use Of Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs- Does It Make Sense?
Fluorescent light bulbs have been known to cause headaches, eyestrain, fatigue, a decrease in the ability to concentrate, increased rate of ‘misjudgments’ and accidents, stress, malaise and irritability. The color of light produced is less than desirable- even of so-called “full-spectrum” bulbs. One of our clients said, “you shouldn’t even attempt to match colors or apply make-up under a fluorescent light unless you want to come out looking like a clown!” Artificial light (rather than natural light) affects the levels of hormones in the body, particularly the hormones associated with stress, such as cortisol.
Recently, we learned something about compact fluorescent light bulbs that makes us dislike them even more… It turns out, breaking compact fluorescents is more hazardous than breaking a mercury thermometer! And, congress is trying to ban incandescent bulbs, opting for only compact fluorescent bulbs by 2014!
FDA FINALLY Admits Harm From Mercury Amalgam Fillings
For the past eighteen years Manfred has informed his clients of the harm their dental amalgam fillings can cause, and more than two thousand of them have decided to have them replaced – the majority with substantial benefits. In a much overdue admission by the FDA, this dubious agency finally admits that mercury amalgam fillings can cause harm…but only in some people.While the “FDA said it did not recommend that people who currently have mercury fillings get them removed” it did  concede to issue new rules for safety beginning next year. Honestly, don’t look for an outright ban on all amalgam fillings at this point even though some countries have already banned the fillings because of their toxicity. Of course you don’t have to use them yourself!
More On Harm Caused By Mercury
See “How Mercury Causes Brain Neuron Degeneration,” presented by the University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine Dept. of Physiology and Biophysics. This is where fourteen years ago, Drs. Vimey and Lorscheidter conducted groundbreaking research that proved that mercury vapors escape from dental fillings and enter the vital organs within two weeks of placing them into teeth. This short presentation available on the University website clearly shows how mercury in fillings can destroy brain neurons as seen with people who have Alzheimer’s Disease.
Introductory Video On Homeopathy
Do you sometimes wonder how to introduce homeopathy to your friends? It just got easier.
Recently, author, homeopathic educator and business owner Dana Ullman, MPH, posted a few videos on Youtube.com introducing folks to homeopathy and to his new book “The Homeopathic Revolution: Why Famous People and Cultural Heroes Choose Homeopathy.”In this link ( http://youtube.com/watch?v=6wJRlC1EHyM&feature=related) Dana does an excellent job giving folks a very effective and straightforward understanding of what homeopathy is and how it works.
New Shower Curtain And Liners Contain Carcinogens
Plastic-like or, more accurately, PVC (vinyl) shower curtains and liners (and for that matter- other new vinyl products like raincoats or tablecloths) have recently been declared to contain (and of course, those of you who are chemically sensitive have known this all along!) chemicals which cause cancer, liver and neurological damage. The biggest danger from having these in your house is that you inhale the fumes all day long for months at a time.At the very least, you can buy fabric shower curtains and liners. They do not, of course, provide the excellent water barrier that vinyl shower curtains provide, but they are machine washable and work just fine in our experience! You may also want to consider nylon liners which are safer than vinyl.Read the full article here: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/2008/06/12/2008-06-12_shower_curtains_could_mean_curtains_for_.html
Also check out “curved shower curtain rods” for a great way to add more space to your shower and help prevent excess water from getting onto your shower curtain.
Now Even Brain Surgeons Are Alarmed Over Tumors from Cell Phones!
They ought to know. Check out this link for a report by The New York Times that recommends to cut back cell phone use dramatically.
“Cell Phones and Brain Tumors
And now a spoonful of “sugar!”
Recently Resolved Acute Case
Boy, 6 years old, with a history of allergy induced asthma and bronchial affections. Was stung at least 8 times by honey bees which crawled under his clothes. The initial concern was how he would react to such a large amount of bee venom (hopefully, not by having an anaphylactic reaction or an asthma attack!). By the early afternoon, what were originally mosquito bite sized spots were large, puffy and angry and causing discomfort to the child. The mother first gave the boy a few grains of salt on the tongue every so often
because she had heard several stories in our classes of how salt, which
antidotes Apis, also in our experience, antidotes symptoms of stings- and she didn’t have her remedy kit with her. After the call, the mother began giving a dose of Apis 30C every 30-45 minutes. One of the spots was purple, so she alternated Apis with Lachesis 1Q as needed (she had this potency in her pharmacy). She also used local applications of moistened baking soda to draw out the remaining stingers.
The bites continued to spread, which concerned the mother until she realized that the body, as a defense against the quantity of poison injected by the sting, spreads out the inflammation in order to better metabolize the poison. In fact, the stings continued to spread for the first day and one, with the stinger still in it, finally stopped spreading on the second day. She repotentized the Apis after every 10 doses and kept repeating it as needed for the next day (day 3). On day 4, the boy woke up with NO SIGNS of ANY STINGS! And at no time did he experience any more severe symptoms of bee stings such as severe swelling of the body, tongue, anaphylaxis, nervous anxiety, etc.
Experiments In Microgravity
An astronaut had the idea to drop an Alka-Seltzer tablet into a sphere of water while up in space to see what would happen- and it’s quite interesting! Great science topic for anyone with kids!
Well, we hope you have found something useful and perhaps entertaining in this newsletter. Please let us hear your feedback and any suggestions for future topics to cover.Stay cool, drink plenty of fluids and remember to use coconut or some other type of oil to promote tanning- rather than using carcinogenic sunscreens (yes, even the “natural” sunscreens contain active ingredients that are carcinogenic). Besides, the body needs the vitamin D produced by sun exposure. And there is evidence (that gets quickly suppressed) that 15-20 minutes of daily sun exposure actually PREVENTS skin cancer!
Until the next time,
Homeopathic Associates
Homeopathic Associates
(001) 619-741-5795
[email protected]
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