According to homeopathic theory, any substance that causes symptoms can be used as a medicine, once the symptoms it causes are established during controlled experiments called provings. The New School, as homeopathic medicine became known, quickly attracted many talented physicians who set out to conduct new proving experiments and introduced hundreds of new drugs. Most of these drugs are used in homeopathy to this day, and many were since incorporated into conventional medicine, such as digitalis, atropin (from Belladonna) and nitroglycerin.
Digitalis produces a slow heartbeat. It is used in conventional medicine to suppress the symptoms of heart fibrillation (antipathic use). In accordance with the homeopathic method, it can be used to cure heart failure characterized by slow heart beat. Nitroglycerin produces dilation of blood vessels and a variety of other symptoms. It is used antipathically to oppose contraction of coronary blood vessels in angina. If used homeopathically it can cure a number of disorders such as sunstroke, headaches, nausea, fainting and convulsions of cerebrovascular origin – the symptoms produced by the drug.
Wishing you the best of health and a big dose of happiness,
Manfred Mueller, MA, DHM, RSHom(NA), CCH
Kristina Star, Clinical Asst. & Practice Manager
and the Staff of Homeopathic Associates
Celebrate Homeopathic Successes!
Alternative Cancer Treatment – a Testimonial
“I was diagnosed with a carcinoma of the parotid gland in December, 2013.
I submitted myself to surgery for removal of the gland and 37 radiation treatments in early 2014.
I complemented this conventional treatment with a range of alternative treatments including seaweed, mushrooms, juicing and an organic diet for several months. I also had colonic irrigation done twice a month.
I was given a CT Scan in September 2014 and declared clear of cancer.
However in March 2015, I developed a weakness in my right foot and within days was paralyzed from the waist down. An MRI and a biopsy revealed that the parotid cancer has spread to my brain and a tumour had developed in my T12 vertebrae causing the paralysis.”
Read more personal stories and testimonials on our website by clicking here!
Safe and Effective Deodorant Choices (Blog)
Sweat stinks! But it is an essential part of the body’s toxin elimination routine. Commercial deodorants, such as those found at your local drug store, work by suppressing or stopping the body’s sweat, thus keeping all those toxins inside. In addition, they all contain chemicals like artificial fragrances, aluminum and parabens – the latter two have been shown in studies to cause cancer, neurological problems and Alzheimer’s. These toxins are absorbed into the body through the tiny pores in the skin (remember, the skin acts like a permeable membrane on the body). In other words, these chemicals may not be something you want to put onto your body!
We have long been making our own natural deodorant from a 50/50 mixture of aluminum-free baking soda and either organic cornstarch or organic tapioca starch. Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate absorbs and deodorizes, while the starch absorbs, cools and buffers the sometimes harsh feeling of the baking soda (Wanna learn more about how Sodium bicarbonate works to deodorize? Click here). Applied to the underarms, you sometimes find a need to reapply by lunchtime on hot days. But, the nice thing about this mixture is that if your pits have gotten a bit odoriferous, the addition of more powder GREATLY reduces the stench, leaving you fresh for the next round of chores! Just put a pinch or so on your fingertips to powder each underarm. Whatever falls to the floor, just rub your feet into it before you put on your shoes to help keep your shoes and feet fresher, too.
Homeoprophylaxis proven more effective than conventional vaccines
from the article: “The goal of HP [homeoprophylaxis or homeopathic immunization] is simple: To introduce into the system non-toxic versions of particular diseases to naturally stimulate, or “educate” the immune system. As a result, susceptibility to targeted diseases has been documented to be reduced by, on average, 90%. Obviously, this is news the mainstream media will NEVER tell you about.
In the News
Cancer Cures Worse Than The Disease
from the article: “My studies have proved conclusively that untreated cancer victims actually live up to four times longer than treated individuals,” Dr. Hardin B. Jones told MIDNIGHT.
“For a typical type of cancer, people who refused treatment lived for an average of 12 1/2 years. Those who, accepted surgery and other kinds of treatment lived an average of only three years!
Public Health Officials Know: Recently Vaccinated Individuals Spread Disease
from the article: the Johns Hopkins Patient Guide warns the immuno-compromised to “Avoid contact with children who are recently vaccinated,” and to “Tell friends and family who are sick, or have recently had a live vaccine (such as chicken pox, measles, rubella, intranasal influenza, polio or smallpox) not to visit.”
Meet Our Team
Meet the friendly voices on the other end of the phone! Click on the team member’s name below to read more about them.
* Kristina Star – Clinical Assistant & Practice Manager
* Melody McCoy – Office Assistant
* Lorraine Oldham – Office Assistant
Specializing in teaching homeopaths
“The Mueller Method” of homeopathy.
Learn more about The Mueller Method by clicking here
Phone Consultations
Whether you suffer from a sudden acute illness or a long-standing chronic
condition, you now have the option have comprehensive homeopathic health
care services wherever in the world you are.
Is homeopathic treatment right for you? You can speak with Mr. Mueller for 15 minutes at no charge to find out. Call (001) 619-741-5795, or visit our website to learn more about our practice:
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