Homeopathic Associates
Newsletter- May 2008 Edition
Contact us by phone at: 619-741-5795 or via
Spring Has Sprung! Nature is Blooming and Life is Good!
Spring flowers, gentle showers, blue skies and warm weather…some of the very best things in life are free. You can count on them, like clockwork. Enjoy them, despite the gas prices, the housing market, the war, the state of the union, or the state of your pocket book. Let the gentle sounds of nature remind you of the good things in life, the love we share with our family and friends and the knowledge that life always prevails.
Look at the bright side. No matter how much stress and worry you feel, there are always things around you that are good, happy, joyful and that make life worth living to the fullest.
Homeopathic Conference
We attended the 3rd Annual Joint American Homeopathic Conference in Rhode Island from April 11th to 13th. Hundred’s of homeopaths gathered from five different homeopathic organizations to hear presentations on the latest developments in homeopathy including new provings, experimental methodologies and cured cases. Manfred’s own lecture was well received by the general public as well as by homeopaths. He presented five cured, complicated cases where the client’s testimonial had been videotaped in the UNC Medical School’s Program on Integrative Medicine class. Cases included seizures, post-polio syndrome, minimal change disorder and more. Audio CDs of the presentation will be available soon for those who are interested.
Recent Acute/Emergency Cases
1. Female, 5 months old, began with a moderate eczema, all over her
head which looked like cradle cap (see example picture). In the past, her mom tried Calcarea which kept the cradle cap at bay- until this illness occurred. With the development of the sniffles, the eczema spread to her face- was red, raised, itching and scaling. Two weeks later, her sister, mom and other family members became sick with colds and coughs and after several weeks, she too began to cough. It was a harsh sounding, hacking, non-productive cough. We began with Bryonia and within an hour, the cough was almost totally gone and by the next dose it never returned. The next day, her mom called back and reported the eczema was still inflamed and red- she wanted to know if we could help with it, too. Sulphur seemed the best remedy and when she took the 30C potency, she had dramatic improvement. After several repeated doses, she switched to the 1Q potency, daily for 10 days. Since then, the eczema/cradle cap has not returned.
2. Female, 62, had extensive restorative dental work done on the left side of her mouth including 1 crown, 3 partial crowns (all redone with porcelain) and 5 amalgam replacements (with composite fillings). In the first few weeks she noticed some fatigue and aching which soon resolved. However, sensitivity on the left side in her teeth did not immediately resolve and persisted over the next several weeks at which time she called for help. Lachesis seemed to fit the symptoms best and quickly resolved the sensitivity while at the same time, improved the overall outlook of the patient (according to reports from close family members).
3. The same 62-year-old female called several weeks later with a
“chalazion” on her lower left eyelid. This “stye” like inflammation (see example picture on left) was a little larger than a lentil and causing irritation and sensitivity to touch as it became progressively larger. With no other symptoms to go by, Hypericum was prescribed daily for 10 days and within a few days, the chalazion was noticeably shrunken, and had completely resolved before the 10 days were done.
The first two cases are very interesting in that the acute remedy also happened to be a deeper constitutional remedy that was needed on a chronic basis in both situations. It is common to see when a person is not using constitutional treatment on an on-going basis that sooner or later, less severe, but often annoying symptoms of the remedy most prominently needed will often appear when the person becomes weakened in some way, such as in an acute infection, with extra stress or after extensive dental work.
How Can You Tell Somebody You Love About Homeopathy?
Many of our clients who have benefited from homeopathy have relatives or friends who could really benefit from this treatment. That raises an important question. How do you tell them about homeopathy?
Actually, homeopathy is easy to explain. The following 10 pointers may help:
* The difference between homeopathy and conventional medicine is that homeopathy restores health, safely and permanently.
* In most chronic diseases and many acute ones, conventional treatment merely covers up the symptoms.
* Homeopathy can cure many chronic conditions that regular doctors only medicate.
* Conventional treatment causes all kinds of side effects, long-term harm and may even kill you.
* Homeopathy is perfectly safe because it gives customized medicines in very small doses.
* Homeopathy helps the body heal itself.
* Homeopathy can be used to prevent getting sick.
* Homeopathy works even in serious conditions such as heart disease and cancer.
* Homeopathy is scientifically proven in many studies.
* Homeopathy costs less in the long run because it cures.
Can homeopathy cure everything and everybody? Almost. If you are not sure if homeopathy could help, call your homeopath. Or give your friend our number.
If think you relative or friend should be treated with homeopathy, please tell them more about it. Do your dad, niece, cousin, grandma, or girlfriend a favor. Give them the gift of homeopathy. Today. Thank you.
All of the above statements are meant for education only and do not constitute medical advice. Should you need medical care you should contact your physician.
Are You Surrounded?
Recently, a client told us about a very interesting and sometimes scary tool that you can use to detect the relative level of Radio Frequency (RF) exposure you and your family are receiving from cellular antenna and radio towers. He and his family used it to help them find a suitable property where they could feel comfortable living. The website is www.antennasearch.com. We are not completely sure about the accuracy of the information on the site. However, when we looked up places we were familiar with, we met with expected results.
Mold Identification – How to Identify and Remove It
Mold is a common and tenacious problem in some areas of the country. Different types of mold are hard for the average consumer to identify, harder to remove and even harder to find an expert to take care of the problem who won’t take you to the cleaners in the process. On doing a little research one day, we came across this website which we felt was an excellent source of information, pictures and good advice:
The website is a bit difficult to navigate and you may have a hard time distinguishing the Google ads from his information. The link above goes straight to the section where the mold pictures and removal are. In addition to his information on mold, he gives information about other problems like carbon monoxide, lead, water testing, septic systems, toxic gas and many more. We were especially pleased to learn that the mold we were trying to remove WAS NOT the dreaded stachybotrys mold but instead, a much more benign and seemingly inert mold (unless you happen to be sensitive to it, of course!!) which is easy to remove with the NON-TOXIC method he suggests
We hope your Spring and Summer are happy,
healthy and productive.
Best to you and yours!
Manfred Mueller Homeopathic Associates