Wishing you all the best in the New Year“The harm to human health brought about by these allopathic non-therapies represents the saddest and most incurable of all chronic diseases. If this is driven to an extreme, it will probably be impossible to ever invent or devise any means of curing these iatrogenic diseases.” — Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, Concise Organon 75. Dear clients and friends, The founder of homeopathy was pretty pessimistic about reversing the disastrous injuries to health caused by medicine. The number one cause of death is medical treatment, according to a paper first published by six doctors in 2002 (Null et al.), taking their data from published medical journals. At that time, over 783,936 Americans died from medical treatment, and more than 1.1 million became permanently disabled from iatrogenic causes. Please feel free to watch the documentary. Since then, this figure has exploded to almost twice that amount, although information is more difficult to find now. Hahnemann saw this coming over 200 years ago. While he himself encountered mostly natural disorders, he saw that drugs were more powerful than natural diseases and could have more devastating effects. But can this trend be reversed? The short answer is “yes”. Based on our observations in our phone clinic, people who have been severely disabled by medical treatment can heal with our special method that applies Hahnemann’s principles to the current times: Removing the causes by a skilled combination of discontinuing drugs and vaccines, antidoting their injurious effects, and removing internal poisons such as heavy metals with state of the art detoxification methods custom-tailored to each victim. I see the results of this approach on a daily basis, and they are encouraging, to say the least. Many of our clients have sent testimonials about their seemingly miraculous recoveries from our simple system of treatment. The Mueller Method removes obstacles to cure what remains from past drugs, medications, vaccines, antibiotics and recreational drugs, with “clearing remedies”. By carefully assessing your past medical history we discover what impaired your healing power. Beginning with the most recent past, and going backwards in time, we can put together a short-term and long-term plan for healing. This is complemented by daily remedies covering each of the many impairments you have accumulated over your lifetime, to assist your body in its return to health. On behalf of our wonderful staff, we wish you health and happiness for the New Year, Manfred Mueller MA, DHM, RSHom(NA), CCH and our wonderful clinic staff |
“Mr. Mueller was the first person to identify mercury toxicity as the source of many of my health problems, and he has skillfully guided me through the slow process of oral detoxification (chelation). I am so grateful to have found someone who not only understood the problem of mercury toxicity, but knew what to do about it!”
Katie, North Carolina, USA
1.) Interview by Alan Schmuckler of Homeopathy Magazine with Manfred Mueller on his approach to homeopathic cancer treatment. |
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