Homeopathic Associates
Newsletter – Summer 2006 Edition
Tips on Remedy Storage, Natural Weed-Killers and Ant Repellent
contact us by phone at: 619-741-5795
via email at: [email protected]
Tips of the Month
* Keep your remedy solution (the 10% alcohol and distilled water mixture) in one of those glass bottles with a spout– the ones you use for oil or vinegar in your kitchen. You can pick one up where ever they sell kitchen “stuffs”. Make sure the spout has a cover or cap to keep the solution from evaporating.
* Store your remedies in a metal box or faraday bag. Boxes like cash boxes, ammunitions boxes (from military surplus stores), cookie tins are all readily available at reasonable prices. While there is no guarantee of complete protection, the metal boxes do help protect the remedies from loosing their effectiveness as quickly, especially when remedies are constantly or even intermittently exposed to antidotal EMF’s, cellular phones, cordless phones, wireless devices and other fields (see “Antidoting your remedies is easier than you think”).
* Make a non-toxic weed-killer by boiling 1 cup of salt in 1 gallon of distilled vinegar. When cooled, put into a spray bottle and spray directly on the leaves, stems and roots. The next day you will notice the plants starting to turn brown. You may need to spray some plants several times over a period of a few days to completely kill them. We even killed poison ivy with this mixture!
* Deter ants by sprinkling ground cinnamon. Spread it around the doorframe, in cracks and holes, etc. It works like a dream! Use an old medicine dropper to “squirt” the cinnamon in hard to reach places.
From the Chronicles of a Soap-Shampoo-er…
AT LAST! After 6 years of using castile soap to wash my hair, I now have soft and lustrous hair again! I can comb it and run my fingers through it, and it feels and looks NOTICEABLY better (2 people noticed and commented on it!). AND, I still use soap to wash my hair.
What’s the secret?
1 part lemon juice or vinegar** (apple cider is my personal favorite)
3-4 parts distilled water
- Pour over roots and rub in.
- Pour over ends
- Let it sit for several minutes.
- Jump in the shower and rinse for several minutes to get the acid out.
- Wash with your favorite SOAP and see what I mean!
- Repeat as needed (2x week, weekly, biweekly, etc.; find what works for you).
(**If you have chlorine in your water and you aren’t using a chlorine filter, you probably should NOT use the vinegar, as chlorine mixed with vinegar will produce chlorine gas!)
Helpful suggestions:
1) For long hair, soak ends first in a bowl-full for several minutes then slowly pour over roots.
2) Do the entire procedure in the shower if you find that easier.
3) Using distilled water with the vinegar- not tap water (even if you have a well)- increases the effectiveness. Minerals can inhibit some of the cleansing properties of the rinse.
4) Some people who are sensitive may need to dilute the mixture further. If you experience burning or itching, rinse immediately with cool water. If the symptoms persist, please call us.
5) Try using this rinse before your maiden voyage into soap-shampooing for smoother sailing!
Some have reported they no longer have need conditioner! But if you do, try 1-3 drops (depending on your length) of light oil, such as sweet almond or grapeseed (organic is best), rubbed between the hands and then into wet or dry hair, starting at the ends. For courser hair, especially for those of African heritage, try jojoba or coconut oil instead.
Antidoting your remedies is easier than you think
This weekend, Lisa, a client of ours and a single mom, called sobbing, “I’m so angry right now, I don’t know what to do. I even hit my daughter- I’m being so critical and I can’t control myself!” I told her everything would be OK and to take a deep breath: she did. She continued, “I was outside of D.C. at a conference for 2 days where there was wireless high-speed Internet via this ‘satellite thing’. Jill (her 2 year old) was terrible! She would scream and hold up her hand shouting ‘NO’. She only wanted to nurse and kept demanding my attention (all of which were her old symptoms, those of the remedy Pulsatilla). Do you think our remedies could have been antidoted?” Well, yes, it sure sounds that way.
She continued, “I had my remedies in my metal box (hers is similar in thickness to a cookie tin) and they were with me at the conference the entire time. Even when I took my Carcinocin last night after returning home, I felt nothing.” We instructed her to mix the next higher level of all her remedies and start taking them immediately. By the next day, she called us to tell us how much better both she and Jill were doing.
This story raises several issues:
1) A sure sign of being antidoted is the sudden and sometimes intense return of symptoms that had previously been improved by the remedy.
2) Antidotal factors are everywhere. If a field can neutralize a remedy, which means it alters the electromagnetic resonance or signal from the remedy, then what is that field doing to your body? How is it altering the subtle electromagnetic impulses that your brain is sending via the nervous system to regulate every mechanism and function in your body?
3) Duration and magnitude do matter. Apparently, these thin metal boxes, and perhaps even the thicker ones, are not enough to protect the remedies from some direct influences. While we do not have any scientific testing on the specifics, we do know from experience that the duration and intensity of the exposure matters. For example, a client recently had her remedies in a metal cash box, 2 feet away from a microwave oven that was used by her roommate for 8 minutes. Her remedies, while not completely antidoted, lost much of their effectiveness, as evidenced by a weakened response from her normal dose. If, in your home, you have a cordless phone (a comparably weak but constant signal), your remedies (even if in a metal box) are gradually loosing effectiveness each day. Antidotal exposures can come from any device that is plugged in. Cell Phones, cordless phones and wireless devices (to name a few) are a concern even if they are on the other side of the wall, on another floor or even at the other end of the house/building.
Hahnemann says, “the physician is also a preserver of health, if he knows the things that disturb it, that cause and sustain sickness, and if he knows how to remove them from healthy people.” This implies that homeopaths know and educate people about causes of disease, and that we remind our patients to remove the things they are exposed to that sustain their disorders and that prevent a cure. Homeopaths have successfully used this basic principle for over 200 years. Only nowadays, there are many times more factors that interfere with the body’s effort to heal itself than there used to be. When you reach a point in your homeopathic care where there is no movement in your symptoms or no further improvement, it is highly likely that you need to investigate removing sustaining or antidotal factors from your life.
For those of you whose workplaces are permeated by EMF’s from cell phones, cordless phones and wireless devices, etc., take heart. You can still do homeopathic treatment. However, for obvious reasons, treatment will take longer. You have to make a living, right? But you also have to have your health in order to function fully and be at ease. In these cases, you do what you can to increase your health: try changing your work environment or telecommute, and remove all other harmful/antidotal influences from you life.
If you are interested in knowing more about the harmful effects of “microwave” (“cellular”), “wireless” and “cordless phone” radiation, you can do a web search on your favorite search engine for “health effects” or “harm.” You can also look in our “Library”.
We have updated our “Antidotes to Homeopathic Treatment” sheet and will be happy to email or mail one to anyone who needs a copy.
Homeopathy Stories
by Manfred Mueller, DHM, RSHom(NA), CCH
Anaphylactic Reactions
Most commonly caused by a substance to which the patient has become sensitized, anaphylactic reactions are systemic allergic reactions. If anaphylactic shock develops, the patient turns pale, faints and quickly becomes unresponsive. If no help is available, it can be fatal. A serious outcome of anaphylactic reactions can often be prevented with Apis mellifica made from the honey bee.
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I attended a wedding that was held outdoors, when a little girl suddenly screamed, and her mother yelled “oh my god she got stung by a yellow jacket, and we forgot the epinephrine kit!” The wedding was held in the woods several miles from town and the mother was beside herself. I reassured her and walked calmly to my car to get my remedy kit. I gave the girl a pellet of Apis 30 C under her tongue and she stopped screaming instantly. Fifteen minutes later the incredulous mother pointed out that the girl was completely fine, and didn’t even have any localized swelling.
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I received a call one day from the mother of a teenage patient. She called from her car phone: “I’m on my way to your office. This is an emergency. Get a remedy ready, my son is choking to death.” He had been at the orthodontist’s office to have his braces reattached. He had a serious reaction to the bonding agent. When they arrived, my assistant and I met them in the parking lot. His face had turned purple from lack of oxygen, there was swelling of the tongue and throat to the point of obstruction of the air passages. I placed a pellet of Apis 200C under his tongue, and he started to relax. A minute later a 1M, followed by a 10 M, and he breathed easy. In a few more minutes he was smiling, and so was his mother. Meanwhile, when my assistant, who was an experienced EMT specialist and new to homeopathy, saw the patient, she turned pale. As the Apis was given, she was watching in amazement. She confessed, “the whole time I could only think ‘epinephrine, epinephrine…’” Homeopathy works rapidly and, if properly used, has no side effects.
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My daughter, on a trip through Germany, drank a soda, and unfortunately, a wasp had crawled into the can. It stung her in the esophagus, causing severe pain and constriction. Apis took care of it quickly.
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A patient has severe anaphylactic reactions to sesame seeds, with nausea and weakness, and he used to carry an epinephrine kit with him at all times. Occasionally, an evening out at a restaurant would turn into a trip to the emergency room, and it would take days to recover from the drugs. Now he carries a few pellets of Apis 10 M in his pocket, and whenever he has a reaction he takes a pellet under his tongue. He says it works instantly, preventing a reaction and has no after‑effects.