August 2016 Newsletter
Cellphones; Insurance; homeopathic research on Endometriosis & Cysts; Wild Crafting Herbs
Only a Phone Call Away
Only a Phone Call Away
Restoring Your Health Naturally
Restoring Your Health Naturally
Cellphones; Insurance; homeopathic research on Endometriosis & Cysts; Wild Crafting Herbs
The term “Generation X-ray” refers to youth addicted to communicating and recreating with wireless devices-cell phones, PDAs, WiFi computers and music/gaming equipment.
Doctors Don’t Listen, Homeopaths Do!; Visit Our Youtube Channel; Homeopathic Treatment of Peanut Allergy; Article: Generation X-ray; Nanoparticles are biologically super-potent forms of their source material
By Manfred Mueller, MA, DHM, RSHom(NA), CCH He looked older than his fifty-nine years, with grey-white hair and wrinkled skin. Bill had worked for the local government as tax assessor, but had retired early because of his illness. He seemed withdrawn, as if profoundly depressed, and despite his regular habit of dressing in a suit…
The obsessive-compulsive effect of cell phones on teens and tweens clearly demonstrates that wireless devices are both physically and emotionally enslaving. Capitalizing on the addictive nature of wireless technology, the communications industry is “hooking” our kids on wireless devices at a fevered pitch.
Homeopathic Tips for Summer; Sunscreen Alternatives; Laughs & more
Full of News: Death by Medicine; Cardiac drugs and kidney damage; Pain drug cuts cancer, causes heart attacks; cellphone masts inside your home?!; Teflon causes cancer; and more