July 2014 Newsletter
Homeopathy for Aging; Macular Degeneration cured with alternative medicine; Jewelweed; Health News
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Restoring Your Health Naturally
Homeopathy for Aging; Macular Degeneration cured with alternative medicine; Jewelweed; Health News
Homeopathy as first defense. Women’s health issues. Client feedback on homeopathic treatment of acute fragrance sensitivity. Homeopathic treatment of anaphylactic reactions. Articles by Manfred Mueller published. Industrial chemicals in fast food. Scientific researchers find that homeopathic drugs can regulate a series of genes involved in neuronal function.
homeopathic Gelsemium s. modulates a series of genes involved in neuronal function. A small response was detected indicating the human neurocyte genome is extremely sensitive to this regulation.
Cancer patients are faced with a life-and-death decision when choosing their treatment. Since most conventional treatments continue to be associated with severe adverse and some- times fatal effects, while homeopathy has been found to be free from such effects,
homeopathy helps with late or abnormal development, suppression vs. cure, tylenol causes liver failure, increases risk of kidney cancer and Alzheimer’s, drug side effects, drug induced disorders can be “cleared” with homeopathy, homeopathy news: remedy found to have anti-cancer effect on infected cells, homeopathic remedy of the month: nux vomica, a case of parkinson’s apparently cured with homeopathy, the placebo song
New homeopathic research, homeopathy reduces painkiller use, everyday homeopathy, hemorrhoid treatment, poison ivy, oak, sumac, tick and spider bites, vitamin D, Genetic Roulette Movie
Aickin M. The end of biomedical journals: there is madness in their methods. Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine 2005; 11 (5):755-7. Aickin M. Participant-centered analysis in complementary and alternative medicine comparative trials. J Alternative & Complementary Medicine 2003; 9 (6):949-57. Aickin M. Separation tests for early-phase CAM comparative trials. Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine 2004;…
A lot of people today are confused about what homeopathy is (and isn’t), and this situation is not helped by the skeptics of homeopathy who go to incredible extents to exaggerate and misconstrue what homeopathic medicine is and who commonly provide misinformation about it. It is more than a tad ironic that these “skeptics” who…
Posted: October 17, 2009 11:38 AM The word “allergy” did not even exist a century ago, and yet, respiratory allergies today are the 5th leading chronic disease in the U.S. and are the 3rd most common chronic disease among children under 18 years old. [1] It has been estimated that one in seven Americans had…
Homeopaths have described observations that tumors recede from the use of homeopathic treatment and have, from time to time, documented long-term recoveries from cancer in response to homeopathic treatment.1-23 Some practitioners have reported observations like this in as many as several hundred patients.24