A Message from Manfred Mueller DHM, CCH, RSHom(NA)
Warning: This message contains Humor, Good News, Common Sense, and a bit of Science.
“Beware of the Ides of March” – William Shakespeare
In my last January 24th health alert, I predicted the World Health Organization would declare a “pandemic”. My prediction came to pass on March 9th, six days before the Ides of March—the day that was to “live in infamy,” ever since the assassination of Julius Cesar.
Seventeen years ago on the Ides of March, a similar global health scare was declared by the World Health Organization, after accumulating reports of a mysterious respiratory disease afflicting patients and healthcare workers in China, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Singapore and Canada. That disease would soon become famous under the acronym SARS (for Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome).
That syndrome would take on new significance in 2020 (see below), when, again around the Ides of March, a new global health scare was announced, this time backed by the “full court press,” with the fanfare and exaggerations comparable to the outbreak of a World War III. By vastly exaggerating the lethality of this virus, the fear-mongering media managed to crash global stock markets and is threatening to bring the world economy to a stand still.
In a 2009 health alert on the supposed swine flu pandemic, I had warned you about such media-generated pandemics and about profit-driven organizations like the WHO and CDC.
Recently, attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr., son of the murdered Senator from New York, confirmed much of what I said, even making the claim that the CDC is not an independent government agency but is actually a subsidiary of Big Pharma. Similar reports exist for the WHO and even the FDA.
OTHER FACTORS ARE AT PLAY HERE – COVID-19 (coronavirus) “Pandemic”
Please understand, I am not implying that the virus does not occasionally kill people. There have been cases of death that seem truly scary. But there are concomitant factors that need to be considered. I am urging everyone to form a reasonable, measured view of the situation, something apparently foreign to the main stream and even the online media, and especially to politicians. Current public reporting has all the hallmarks of hysteria – mass created hysteria that is.
For example, I wonder about the accuracy of the COVID-19 testing kits. What do the tests really test? Also, do the numbers reflect the actual infections, or simply the fact that somebody was tested? The whole situation reminds me of the questions that were raised in the nineteen eighties by some legitimate researchers—some of them, Nobel Prize winners like Kary Mullis, about the 1980’s HIV tests – at that time the ELIZA and Western Blot test?
I also wonder, did most people in Italy really die from infection? Most, if not all, COVID-19 patients in Milan have been treated with antiviral drugs. A common antiviral drug contains the warning “life-threatening in people who have heart disease and circulation problems”. This includes hypertension. How many of these patients are really succumbing to the virus or to this drug?
The new calamity was in part accomplished by a virus little different from the common cold virus—supposedly a new mutation of it. This in combination with not-so-carefully choreographed performances by Chinese crisis actors, while others from their windows signal that these performances were just that—pretense! What happens, when irresponsible, vastly exaggerating news media are found in combination with obvious, for-profit scare tactics by CDC and WHO. In the midst of this we had obscure and grim pronouncements by experts on biowarfare.
When health care workers work themselves to exhaustion, this has in some countries brought on the near collapse of the healthcare system. The whole tragedy will now be repeated in the US. And recently the whole sordid tale was topped off by dire predictions of shortages in essential items like masks, hand sanitizer and toilet paper.
Predictably, this latest scare tactic became its own self-fulfilling prophecy, because it induced widespread panic-buying, leading to actual shortages. You must admit, to pull off such a feat requires careful coordination and planning. To bring all of these diverse factors together to stage a crisis can only be done by very powerful organizations. I am amazed how the whole world fell in lockstep this quickly in this obvious charade.
Pundits unabashedly repeat over and over again the same mathematical errors about the mortality of this virus, even after they have been clearly debunked by intelligent and responsible sources. I can only guess that the brainwashing effects of the global microwave irradiation from the microwave communications networks accomplished that. After all, pulsed high-frequency microwave radiation used in WiFi and cell phones is capable of affecting people’s minds and reasoning abilities.
In short, all common sense is out the window
I am apparently not the only one who has noticed. Watch what this nurse from Tennessee, USA, had to say about the current craziness. Thank you, Emily, for the best laugh I had in days. I think Emily has a point. Don’t you?’
And please watch this rant by Dana Ashlie, before they take it down.
Here is my take: I think people are far more likely to get hurt by the inevitable, harsh economic consequences of this media-generated panic and insanity, than by the real virus. Please, whatever you do in the coming months, don’t catch the Moronavirus! However, if you wish to protect yourself against the ACTUAL infection, there are real evidence-based actions you can take.

Homeopathic physicians in India have treated many cases of diagnosed COVID-19. The Indian government recommends homeopathic protection with Arsenicum album, after the Research Councils under the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India, made this Advisory for Corona virus.
Arsenicum album is a common remedy found in every homeopathic self-care kit. But it is not the only one the can protect against COIVD-19. Other homeopaths have identified additional homeopathic drugs that you can use to boost your immunity specifically to the COVID-19.
Dr. Manish Batia who has himself treated such cases since February, in a recent analysis of actual COVID-19 cases, implied that mortality from coronavirus is largely a myth. He says, homeopathy seems to be the most promising and most actively circulated prophylaxis through Facebook, Whatsapp and other social media.
Dr. Batia’s recommendations for homeopathic medicines that can be used to prevent infection include many common remedies:
Phosphorus, Bryonia alba, Lycopodium, Arsenic album, Sulphur, Iodium, Belladonna, Kali carbonicum, Mercurius, China, Lachesis, Antimonium tartartaricum, Chelidonium, Gelsemium etc.***
I myself have researched homeopathic immunizations and even wrote a book about it. (It is still waiting to be published!). Homeopathic prophylaxis works. Homeopathic immunization has been found to work in independent scientific studies. For example, in my book I quote a 2007 leptospirosis study that found homeopathic immunization to be effective, even more effective than the conventional vaccine. For this study, Bracho et al. successfully used the homeopathic nosode prepared from the leptospirosis bacteria itself in a impressive group of 2.3 million persons.
In addition to the remedies that matched many known COVID-19 cases, like Arsenicum album, Bryonia alba, Eupatorium perfoliatum, etc., we now also have the specific viral nosode for COVID-19 in stock in our pharmacy. Please contact us for more information on how to use these to immunize yourself against this virus with the above medicines. This is also called homeoprophylaxis or homeopathic immunizations.
Other homeopaths identified the drug Camphora as genus epidemicus. In a recent message, Dr. Rajan Sankaran, after discussing several cases, suggests:
“Based on these findings I suggest Camphor as a possible genus epidemicus and to use it as a treatment (1M in water every 3 hrs) and prophylactic (1M in pills twice a day for 2 days).”
Another important piece of good news is, the epidemic does not appear to seriously affect children under 18. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine contains this statement: “children might be less likely to become infected or, if infected, may show milder symptoms.”
There Are Many Other Things You Can Do
- Perhaps the best way to boost your immunity is by homeopathic constitutional treatment. Do not neglect your regular homeopathic treatment. Get back on regular doses of homeopathic remedies that have helped you in the past. Or, if this has been longer than six months, contact our office as soon as possible to make an appointment to find out what you currently would benefit from.
- Do not get a flu shot. One study showed that it could increase your risk of coronavirus infection by 36%.
- Do not get the SARS shot. In December 2019, China rolled out its mandatory SARS vaccination. There is indication that this compromised people’s lungs and possibly made them more susceptible to the COVID-19 infection.
- Make sure you have a homeopathic family kit, in case you need it. These are custom kits sold by homeopathic pharmacies. Get one while you can. This may be especially important to have at home, now that supplies are getting scarce.
- Make sure that your vitamin D levels are up. Several studies have shown that especially vitamin D levels protected against lower respiratory infections and lung inflammation. When in doubt SUPPLEMENT at least 2,000iu of Vitamin D daily.
- Scrap your cell phone, WiFi, and wireless anything in your home. Since 1970, Dr Henry Lai has shown that cell phone radiation reduces your immunity.
Since then, many studies confirmed it.
Go back to wired phones and wired modems while you can. Your home should be a place of rest for your immune system.
By the way, Wuhan China is an experimental site of the full implementation of China’s 5G networks—the new millimeter wave net access technology. At 60Ghz it destroys the oxygen molecule and affects hemoglobin. Milano, Italy rolled out its 5G last year. Iran did also. So did Kirkland, Washington, were most United States COVID19 cases have died. Princess Cruise Line has recently installed the technology on their cruise liners.
Need I say more?
- Take lots of Vitamin C, at least 1000mg per day. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. The antioxidants in raise and support your immunity.
- Find a garden spot and start gardening. Or use your windowsill to grow things. Or your rooftop. There is no more satisfying activity and no better preparation for economic calamity than gardening. It also keeps you sane. Google ideas for container gardening. There are lots of creative and inexpensive ways to do it.
- Go on a camping trip, go hiking, or go sailing with your children or grand children. Even just good ol’ fashioned walking will be beneficial.
- Go to the beach. Spent time in the sun. UV radiation kills all viruses.
- Talk to the Benevolent Provider who created our universe.
There are lessons in the present situation for all of us. When all seems more and more overwhelming, we are reminded of what really matters in life. That includes our relationships and our friendships. Count your blessings. As news reports change every day, taking it day by day is the best strategy. Too much worry and anticipation can only drive you crazy. Even with the most careful preparation, thought cannot ultimately give us security. Have faith and realize, the future is now – BE IN THE PRESENT MOMENT. If you are having trouble calming down, releasing your fears or staying grounded and centered, a homeopathic remedy might be useful. Call the office for an appointment.
I wish you a healthy, safe, and sane journey.
Manfred Mueller