No “Placebo Effects” Here!
Homeopathic Treatment of skin & ear infections in a dog (video testimonial)
Watch this live, video testimonial about a dog whose multiple chronic health conditions have either been cured or significantly improved by using The Mueller Method of Homeopathy.
Owner Cheryl had taken her dog to another homeopath for several years – with very little improvement in some of his worst health complaints, including canine demodicosis.
This video testimonial below was filmed October 2015 during the Course on Integrative Medicine at the UNC Medical School in Chapel Hill, NC, USA.
Click here to watch the video testimonial!
Click here to read & view more first hand testimonials from our clients
Homeopathic Tid-Bits & Other Newsworthy Info!
Homeopathic treatment of mild traumatic brain injury:
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial.
Homeopathic medicine SULPHUR was found to kill non-small cell lung cancer cells!

Bryce Dallas Howard uses homeopathy!
“Twilight” and “The Help” Star LOVES Homeopathy:
The actress Bryce Dallas Howard went public with her appreciation for homeopathy in its successful treatment of postpartum depression. Ms. Howard is the daughter of the famed director and child actor, Ron Howard. It is a pleasure when famous people “come out of the medicine closet” to express their appreciation for homeopathy!
Homeopathic Treatment of Brain Hemorrhage: Several Cases
By Manfred Mueller, RSHom (NA), CCH
Article first appeared in The American Homeopath, vol 19
Cerebrovascular injuries, whether from trauma, surgery or internal chronic conditions, are all too often the cause of permanent disability, if not fatal outcomes. It is perhaps because of the very severity and hopelessness of these cases that they constitute some of the most frustrating and at the same time most rewarding work a homeopath can engage in. In this article I hope to convey some of the triumphs, as well as difficulties, we homeopaths may encounter while working with the victims of brain injury and their families.
Case # 1: Hemiplegia after Hemorrhagic Stroke with Hematoma
Harriet called from Roanoke, VA, about six hours from Durham, NC, where I then practiced. Her older sister Eleanor, aged 70, had collapsed after she suffered a hemorrhagic stroke and, “was now in a bad way.” She was lying in the hospital bed, nearly unconscious, and tests showed she was completely paralyzed on the left side. Her breathing was noisy, with a snoring sound.
Eleanor was currently on a ventilator and taking several medications. Harriet, aged 62, was a retired hospital administrator and did not trust that conventional treatment was going to do her sister much good. She reasoned, “At the very least she can use all the help she can get!”
The first few consultations were conducted with Harriet traveling six hours to Durham to speak with me in person. She would describe her sister’s appearance and observational symptoms, since Eleanor was unable to talk. She would then travel back the same day and take her the remedies, administering them herself. homeopathic treatment of brain injury
Read the full article
Find more of Manfred Mueller’s articles
by clicking here
Specializing in teaching homeopaths
“The Mueller Method” of homeopathy.
Learn more about The Mueller Method by clicking here
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condition, you now have the option have comprehensive homeopathic health
care services wherever in the world you are.
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