Hep-C virus to kill liver cancer cells
“Hep C 30 decreased the levels of two cancer biomarker enzymes — telomerase and topoisomerase II — in the liver cancer cells, suggesting that this drug could potentially be used to alleviate liver cancer,”
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“Hep C 30 decreased the levels of two cancer biomarker enzymes — telomerase and topoisomerase II — in the liver cancer cells, suggesting that this drug could potentially be used to alleviate liver cancer,”
The homeopathic drugs activated a host of genes, triggering apoptosis — a process that kills cancer cells in a controlled way. The drugs induced cell death by altering DNA methylation, an epigenetic process that is known to modify gene expression without changing DNA sequences.
Our results indicated that Tarantula cubensis D6 partially neutralized the deleterious effects of aflatoxin.
OBJECTIVE: Homeopathic nosodes have seldom been scientifically validated for their anticancer effects. This study was conducted to examine if a recently developed hepatitis C nosode has demonstrable anticancer potential in cancer cells in vitro.
showed the potential benefits of individualized homeopathic treatment of binge eating in males, decreasing both the frequency and severity of binging episodes.
Background and Objectives: Childhood autism is severe and a serious disorder. A study was conducted by Spandan holistic institute of applied Homoeopathy, Mumbai, with the objective of demonstrating the usefulness of homeopathic management in autism.
RCT double-blind trials of homeopathy in depression & indicates the non-inferiority of homeopathic compared to fluoxetine in moderate to severe depression.
Homeopathic treatment may be effective for CS patients. Controlled trials are required for further validation.
investigates the factors that may play a role in the manifestation of CKD through the knowledge and research of both conventional medicine and homeopathy
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The deficits are not marked in the vitamin C and G. biloba groups. To conclude chronic exposure to high levels of fluoride causes severe impairment in the spatial learning and memory, these deficits can be ameliorated with the vitamin C /ascorbic acid and Ginkgo biloba.
Ginkgo biloba extracts improved neuronal survival and spatial learning and memory functions
The results indicate the prefrontal cortex (PFC) plays a role in the physiological cognitive function-enhancing effect of Extraxt of Ginkgo biloba (EGb). EGb might improve working memory function in middle-aged individuals by counteracting the occurrence of aging-related hemispheric asymmetry reduction.
This provides phenotypic evidence for the ability of ultra-highly diluted homeopathic remedies to regulate expression of certain gene(s) depending on need of the organism.
Thus, the highly-diluted, dynamized homeopathic remedies LC-5C and LC-15C demonstrated their capabilities to induce apoptosis in cancer cells, signifying their possible use as supportive medicines in cancer therapy.