Special Offers
Acute Care Homeopathic Remedy Kits
– 50 Remedy Kit – $130
– 100 Remedy Kit – $225
(price includes shipping)
Every home should have one! Save yourself money and trips to the health food store. Have the acute remedies on hand at all times! Includes a free Materia Medica written by Mr. Mueller!
Influenzinum Mix
This year’s influenza mix has arrived from the pharmacy. For existing clients, we will be happy to prepare a dose for you and your family. Don’t forget your Echinacea angustifolia tincture and Vitamin C!
Influenza Mix 30C – $19
** Call Our Office to Order – 619-741-5795
Mon-Fri 9am-4pm ET **
Mother Tinctures and In-House Made Salves
Ginkgo Biloba Tincture

A powerful antioxidant that contributes to the oxidation of free radicals. Helps undo damage caused by cell phones/microwaves and radiation exposure. improves blood flow to the brain which can have positive effects on memory; increases blood flow to vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the organ systems…
1oz – $15
2oz – $25
4oz – $45

use on wounds and abrasion, irritations esp. of sensitive areas, diaper rash; some claim effectiveness on mosquito bites…. TINCTURE OR SALVE
Echinacea Angustifolia

boosts immune system during infection; snake bites… TINCTURE
Crataegus oxycanthus

heart tonic, clears plaque from vessels, improves endurance, strengthens heart and heart muscles; helps reverse arteriosclerosis… TINCTURE
Arnica montana

bumps and bruises, contusions; internal trauma; sore muscles from overuse; varicose veins with bruised soreness… SALVE
(Note: sometimes the potentized form is more appropriate. Consult with your homeopath)
Hemorrhoid Cream
a custom blend of tinctures in our salve base has been shown, in clinical practice, to be very helpful for those suffering with many common types of hemorrhoids. SALVE
Others tinctures and salves are available, and can be custom made to cover your symptoms!
Tincture Prices
(excludes Cilantro)
1oz – $15
2oz- $25
4oz – $45
8oz – $86
Salve Prices
2oz – $15
** Call Our Office to Order – 619-741-5795
Mon-Fri 9am-4pm ET **
Cilantro Tincture

Ours is organic and made from the fresh leaf for optimum effectiveness. Used in oral chelation protocol to remove mercury and other heavy metals from the body. USE UNDER SUPERVISION ONLY.
4oz – $25
8oz – $45
16oz – $86
New Organic Chlorella

(brand new supplier!!)
(250mg each): absorbs heavy metals in the digestive tract and helps detoxify your body of ionizing radiation.
400 tablet packs
1 – $45 each
3 or more – $41 each
1000 tablet packs
1 – $90 each
3 or more – $83 each
Specialty Tinctures – Radiation Protection
Fucus Vesiculosus Tincture

used during ambient and increased ionizing radiation exposure (as maintenance) to gradually keep the thyroid saturated with iodine. Is generally well tolerated.
1oz – $15
2oz – $25
4oz – $45
Potassium Iodide Tincture

used during acute ionizing radiation exposure to quickly saturate the thyroid with iodine to lessen the absorption of radioactive iodine. Should not be used for maintenance. Not as well tolerated as Fucus.
1oz – $15
2oz – $25
4oz – $45
**Also consider Gingko biloba tincture as a radiation defense tincture (see above)
Ionizing Radiation Defense Package
Single Person – includes 2oz Fucus, 2oz Potassium Iodide, 2oz Ginkgo Biloba; 2 Packs Chlorella tabs; Homeopathic remedies Xray 30C, Radium bromatum 30C, Uranium nitricum 30C, for only $155
(a $188 Value!)
Family Pack – includes 4oz Fucus, 4oz Potassium Iodide, 4oz Ginkgo Biloba; 4 Packs Chlorella tabs; Homeopathic remedies Xray 30C, Radium bromatum 30C, Uranium nitricum 30C, for only $258
(a $292 Value!)
For More Information on Radiation: View our “Health Alert: Homeopathy and Radiation ” Newsletter.