Homeopathy has many solutions to offer allergy sufferers! Whether yours are seasonal or chronic, you may wish to try safe and effective homeopathic treatment for allergies that is free from harmful side effects. If you cannot find a homeopath nearby to work with, remember, we work over the phone!
- Homeopathic Combination Remedies –While scoffed at by many professional homeopaths, they may afford the allergy sufferer a bit of relief. Made from a mixture of the most common remedies that seem to work for a particular condition, e.g. hayfever, allergies, headaches, insomnia, etc., they aim to offer a broad range of sufferers relief, rather than offering targeted, specific relief to the person based on their individual symptoms, as a single homeopathically prescribed remedy would. These remedies are readily available at most health food stores and even at some pharmacies. They are safe and free from side effects and should be tried first before resorting to more heroic measures—drug like Zyrtec, Allegra, Benadryl, Claritin and other common suppressive antihistimine drugs (which are full of unwanted and harmful side effects and which can cause more serious health problems down the road).
- Homeopathic Allergen Remedies – There are remedies made from specific triggering allergens that can be used to help reduce your sensitivity to that specific trigger. Remedies made from oak, pine, mold mixes, rag weed, various grasses and pollen, dog and cat hair and dander, etc. can be very effective in symptomatic relief of hay fever and allergic rhinitis. Plus, evidence suggests that using these allergens in homeopathic form used in high dilution they can help reduce your sensitivity to those substances. Ask your homeopath if you have known allergies to provide you with the direct allergen antidotes.
- Chronic (Constitutional) Treatment – This type of homeopathic treatment is the most effective since it addresses the weaknesses in your body that cause you to be sensitive and react to things. Constitutional treatment can make a difference in all areas where you body is weak or working “inefficiently” by making you stronger and more robust. It can permanently relieve allergic conditions of all kinds.
- Symptomatic Treatment – This is done with the indicated individualized remedies that suit each person’s specific symptoms. It is routinely used in combination with constitutional treatment to allow faster relief of your allergy symptoms. It can also be done separately, although it may not prevent your allergies from happening again the next season!
- Backed By Research! – The abstract of the study “A Review of Homeopathic Research in the Treatment of Respiratory Allergies” says, “There are conceptual and historical links between homeopathic medicine and modern allergy desensitization treatment. Conventional allergy desensitization and homeopathic treatment both utilize small doses of substances that might cause symptoms in order to prevent or treat a hypersensitive state. Homeopathy has historically been associated with allergy treatment. This article reviews evidence from controlled trials for the use of homeopathy in respiratory allergies. Several clinical trials, many of which were published in “high impact” conventional medical journals, describe significant effects of homeopathic treatment in allergic patients. Most of these clinical studies have been deemed to be high quality trials, according to the three most commonly referenced meta-analyses of homeopathic research. Basic in vitro experimental studies also provide evidence that the effects of homeopathy differ from placebo.” View it here.
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