Blooming Azaleas Around a Live Oak Tree post polio syndrome
post polio syndrome
This spring break, we were very much looking forward to seeing sights just like the one above! We were scheduled to go camping near
Charleston, SC while here on the East Coast for a few months…
Lo and behold, Manfred and all 5 of our children (but not me, Mom) came down with a flu-like respiratory virus, then a stomach virus, then a rash,
then the stomach virus again… We’ve been constantly treating with homeopathic remedies and have responded well to them.
However, four weeks later and we are just now recovering from this designer virus. I can only imagine what this would have been like WITHOUT homeopathy! By the way, even though I didn’t “officially” get sick, homeopathic remedies have helped me keep my sanity, reduce my fatigue and ease my frustration after 4 weeks of intense nursing and night watching.
– Manfred Mueller
Homeopathic Treatment of Post Polio Syndrome
Watch Barbara’s live testimonial given in front of a class of medical school students at the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Medicine, Program on Integrative Medicine Course in 1999.
Click here to watch the video
You can also read the transcript of Barbara’s Testimonial:
“Alright, I’ll make this as fast as possible cause I have a lot to say, so hang on to your hats!
In 1948, when I was six years old I became sick with a high fever. Since this was during the polio epidemic, I was rushed to the hospital, checked and released. I had no physical symptoms – the scare was over.
When I was eleven years old, my doctor discovered a severe scoliosis during a regular physical exam. The diagnosis – probable mild polio back in 1948. I vaguely remember phrases like, “she’ll be needing a back brace,” “probably special shoes,” “may not be able to carry a baby.” Well at eleven, I wasn’t interested in carrying babies!
For a number of years I experienced no limitation or pain. I enjoyed active sports, played tennis, bowling, golf. I was a ballet and jazz dancer. I am very grateful for my training. That has helped mask my symptoms.
I grew up, fell in love, married, and … had a baby. I never experienced any debilitation…”
Watch the video and/or read more of this testimonial…
Read more of our awesome testimonials…
FAQs About Homeopathy
Homeopathy is a medical treatment and pharmaceutical science that pre-dates conventional treatment by at least a hundred years. The German physician and medical genius Dr. Samuel Hahnemann developed homeopathy in the late eighteenth century through the mid-nineteeth century. Homeopathic medicine has been practiced and developed further since, and today homeopathy enjoys great popularity worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes homeopathy as the second most widely practiced system of medicine in the world!
Homeopathic Research & News
Homeopathy A Nanomedicine– Identification & Characterization Of NPS In Hypericum Perforatum
The current paper as well as the earlier research papers of the author established the presence of large number of nanoparticles and quantum dots in all scales of dilutions of homeopathic drugs. The body of evidence presented are sufficient to establish the fact that homeopathy is not a placebo therapy but a nanomedicine.
The study proves that homeopathy is really a material science and not merely an energy medicine or placebo therapy as considered earlier.
How Healthy are Chronically Ill Patients After Eight Years of Homeopathic Treatment?
Homeopathy in France in 2011-2012 according to reimbursements in the French national health insurance database (SNIIRAM)
10.2% of the overall population received at least one reimbursement for a homeopathic preparation during the 12-month period. 43.5% of the overall population of Health Care Practitioners, nearly 95% of general practitioners, dermatologists and pediatricians, and 75% of midwives prescribed at least one homeopathic drug or preparation during that time.
Get more quality homeopathic research here
Homeopathy for Health and Happiness, Part 1
By Manfred Mueller
Copyright 2007, Homeopathic Associates
Around age two and a half, my youngest daughter began to make the unsolicited remark, “I am happy.” She has since proclaimed this almost daily – before breakfast in the morning, or in the middle of the afternoon, or sometimes before bedtime. She is one of those rare children (in America) who has never needed any medical treatment (in the conventional sense) in her life. My oldest daughter who is twenty five has never needed an antibiotic, pain killer or any other conventional medication. They are lucky to have been born into a homeopathic family.
Homeopathic treatment affects the whole person. Families treated with homeopathy seem to get sick less often. Homeopathy can certainly treat for acute illnesses, such as cold and flus, however it also can eliminate the chronic disposition to becoming sick. This is done by treating the “constitution.” Homeopathy has even been shown in studies to prevent disease.
For example, when a “virus” goes around and many of the kids in school get sick, we can use a “preventive” remedy, either a generic one, such as Oscillococcinum or Influenzinum, or a specific one that matches the symptoms of the disease going around. Even after the first symptoms develop, homeopathy has been shown in clinical practice and in scientific studies to prevent the progression of a cold, flu, headache, stomach “bug,” and even more serious contagious diseases…
Read More of this article by clicking here.
Read Part 2 of this great article by clicking here.
Wishing you the very best of health and happiness,
Director & Teaching Assistant
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Specialties in Homeopathic Practice
- Homeopathic Cardiology – stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure, etc.
- Homeopathic Neurology – MS, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, ALS, neurological damage from vaccines, vaccine injuries, etc.
- Homeopathic Oncology – cancer in any location or tissue; CLL, CML, etc.
- Complicated Chronic Disorders – diseases from multiple causes or of uncertain diagnosis or etiology
- Mercury and Heavy Metal Chelation – we use gentle oral & dietary chelation protocols and support the process with homeopathic remedies to antidote and buffer the effects
- Autism Spectrum Disorders, Asperger’s Syndrome, Pervasive developmental disorder, not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), ADHD, brain injuries, concussions, etc.
- Hypersensitivity – MCS, electromagnetic sensitivity or electro-hypersensitivity, food allergies, environmental allergies
- Homeopathic Immunizations
- Effects Of Inappropriate Homeopathic Treatment
Specializing in teaching homeopaths
“The Mueller Method” of homeopathy.
Learn more about The Mueller Method by clicking here
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