* Flu Season
* Testimonial Contest
* Recent Testimonial
* Remedy of the Month
* Tip of the Month
* In the News
* For Fun
50 REMEDY KIT – $129
100 REMEDY KIT – $195
(price includes shipping)
Every home should have one! Save yourself money and trips to the health food store. Have the acute remedies on hand at all times!
This year’s influenza mix has arrived from the pharmacy. For existing clients, we will be happy to prepare a dose for you and your family. Don’t forget your Echinacea angustifolia tincture and Vitamin C!
Influenza Mix 30C – $19
**CALL OUR OFFICE TO ORDER – 619-741-5795
Mon-Fri 9am-4pm ET**

CALENDULA: use on wounds and abrasion, irritations esp. of sensitive areas, diaper rash; some claim effectiveness on mosquito bites…read more. TINCTURE OR SALVE
ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA: boosts immune system during infection; snake bites…read more. TINCTURE
CRATAEGUS: heart tonic, clears plaque from vessels, improves endurance, strengthens heart and heart muscles; helps reverse arteriosclerosis…read more. TINCTURE
ARNICA MONTANA: bumps and bruises, contusions; internal trauma; sore muscles from overuse; varicose veins with bruised soreness…read more. SALVE
(Note: sometimes the potentized form is more appropriate. Consult with your homeopath)
HEMORRHOID CREAM: a custom blend of tinctures in our salve base has been shown, in clinical practice, to be very helpful to those suffering with many common types of hemorrhoids. SALVE
(others are available, and will be custom made to cover your symptoms!)
(excludes Cilantro)
1oz – $15
2oz- $25
4oz – $45
8oz – $86
2oz – $15
**CALL OUR OFFICE TO ORDER – 619-741-5795
Mon-Fri 9am-4pm ET**
CILANTRO TINCTURE: Ours is organic and made from the fresh leaf for optimum effectiveness. Used in oral chelation protocol to remove mercury and other heavy metals from the body. USE UNDER SUPERVISION ONLY.
4oz – $25
8oz – $45
16oz – $86
300 tablet packs (200mg each): absorbs heavy metals in the digestive tract and helps detoxify your body of ionizing radiation.
1 – $28 each
3 or more – $25 each
FUCUS VESICULOSUS TINCTURE: used during ambient and increased ionizing radiation exposure (as maintenance) to gradually keep the thyroid saturated with iodine. Is generally well tolerated.
1oz – $15
2oz – $25
4oz – $45
POTASSIUM IODIDE TINCTURE: used during acute ionizing radiation exposure to quickly saturate the thyroid with iodine to lessen the absorption of radioactive iodine. Should not be used for maintenance. Not as well tolerated as Fucus.
1oz – $15
2oz – $25
4oz – $45
GINKGO BILOBA TINCTURE: improves blood flow to the brain which can have positive effects on memory; increases blood flow to vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the organ systems…powerful antioxidant and contributes to the oxidation of free radicals…read more
1oz – $15
2oz – $25
4oz – $45
Single Person – includes 2oz Fucus, 2oz Potassium Iodide, 2oz Ginkgo Biloba; 2 Packs Chlorella tabs; Homeopathic remedies Xray 30C, Radium bromatum 30C, Uranium nitricum 30C, for only $165
(a $188 Value!)
Family Pack – includes 4oz Fucus, 4oz Potassium Iodide, 4oz Ginkgo Biloba; 4 Packs Chlorella tabs; Homeopathic remedies Xray 30C, Radium bromatum 30C, Uranium nitricum 30C, for only $258
(a $292 Value!)
* Mr. Mueller (and others) spoke about homeopathy at the UNC Medical School class on Integrative Medicine on Monday, October 31, 2011. The presentation was well received by the students who especially appreciated the amazing LIVE testimonials given by three of our clients. THANK YOU LADIES FOR YOUR WONDERFUL and HEARTFELT TESTIMONIALS!
PLEASE NOTE: The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are for educational purposes only. They shall in no way be construed as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, nor should they substitute for seeing a qualified medical professional. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
Greetings Clients and Friends,

What an amazingly beautiful fall this has been! The display of colors this year has been phenomenal, and the best we’ve had in the North Carolina mountains in 20 years!
Speaking of fall, BRRR! Wasn’t that first 50 -something °F day shocking to your system? To help adjust to the change of season, our little family is taking one dose of Influenza mix 30C once per week.
In fact, last week after running errands, I had to take Influenza mix 30C several times as I would suddenly feel like I was coming down with the flu- slight fever, uncomfortable all over, achy and reduced energy. It would come out of the blue, and I would immediately take a dose of this year’s homeopathic Influenza mix 30C (it just arrived from the pharmacy and is made from this year’s flu strains). Just as quick as it came on, the symptoms would abate, my energy would come back and life would go on as usual.
In our line of work, we hear too many stories of people who were vaccinated with the flu shot only to come down with the worst flu of their lives. To make matters worse, sometimes people report coming down with the worst flus of their lives after being around others who were just vaccinated!
When we have to go to town during flu season, we try to avoid shopping at stores where flu shots are being given. Since you obviously can’t avoid all situations, the best defense is a good offense! When you know you going to be or have been exposed to the flu, you can follow up with dose or two of homeopathic Influenzinum (or mix) 30C to boost your immune system.
We wish you the best of health and happiness,
Manfred Mueller
Don’t forget to take your homeopathic Influenza Mix 30C (or Occillococcinum) during the first 48hrs of flu. And you can take your Echinacea angustifolia tincture to boost your immune system (kind of like taking a natural antibiotic, without the side effects of killing all of the intestinal flora and causing a candida outbreak!). Both are available from our office.
TO ORDER – Call Kristina Star, our Office Manager, at 619-741-5795 during office hours: 9am-5pm Eastern Time.
Standard protocol is three doses daily, for three days, once per month, each month of flu season. Or, for convenience, you can take one or two doses each week during flu season.
Remember, you can also take a dose when you are beginning to feel run down or when you feel the first signs of flu coming on.
Echinacea ang. is taken 5 drops in water/juice, 2-3 times daily, at first signs of infection and during the course of infection. It’s best not to take Ech. ang for longer than two weeks at a time.
If symptoms of Flu or other respiratory illness develop, you can treat them with homeopathy! Be sure to have your home remedy kits handy.
PLEASE NOTE – When fever or other potentially serious symptoms develop, consult your health care practitioner or call your homeopath.
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A BIG THANK YOU goes out to those of you who took the time to either send us testimonials or let us record your testimonial in-person!
We received so many good ones, we are having a hard time deciding the winners of the contest!! We will announe the winners shortly
Chronic Skin Rash Cured With Homeopathic Treatment
“I had a problem with the skin on my torso for about ten years. I had a rash that turned red and scaly around my waist and was very unsightly, although I don’t remember what the diagnosis was. My dermatologist prescribed a steroid cream, Triamcinolone, which I used twice a day for years. The ointment made the rash go away, but it would come back immediately if I didn’t use it.
“My dermatologist had told me the condition was not curable and that I should not use the ointment for extended periods because it would cause problems with my connective tissues (which I now understand is a common side effect of all steroids, oral and topical). I didn’t really know what that meant at the time, but I decided to see if homeopathy could help.
“I consulted with Manfred Mueller who choose several remedies to address my constitution and other specific complaints, as well as giving me a remedy made from the cream itself. Mr. Mueller told me to expect a recurrence of old symptoms after I stopped suppressing the rash with the Triamcinolone cream.
“After about two weeks the rash flared up all over the sides of my body, then a week after that the rash was completely gone and it NEVER RETURNED! After 10 years, my incurable skin condition was cured! It has now been 8 years and I’ve never needed any follow-up remedies for this condition.“
Sue, Raleigh, NC
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Kali bichromicum
Bichromate of potash
The special affinities of this drug are the mucous membrane of stomach, bowels, and air-passages; bones and fibrous tissues. Kidneys, heart, and liver are also affected. Incipient parenchrymatous; nephritis. Nephritis with gastric disturbances. Cirrhosis of liver. Anemia and absence of fever are characteristic. Contraindicated during fever. General weakness bordering on paralysis.
Pains in one spot- you can put a finger over them. Symptoms are worse in the morning; pains migrate quickly, rheumatic and gastric symptoms alternate.
More adapted to sub-acute rather than the violent acute stage. Mucous membranes everywhere are affected. Catarrh of pharynx, larynx, bronchi and nose, and a tough, stringy, viscid secretion is produced, which condition is a very strong guiding symptom for this drug. Perforation of the septum. Chronic atonic catarrh. Polypus. Dilatation of stomach and heart.
Headache over eyebrows, preceded by blurred vision. Aching and fullness in glabella. Semilateral headache in small spots, and from suppressed catarrh. Frontal pain; usually over one eye. Bones and scalp feel sore.
Supra-orbital neuralgia, right side. Eyelids burn, swollen, edematous. Discharge ropey and yellow. Ulcers on cornea; no pain or photophobia. Descemetitis (inflammation of Descements membrane, with only moderate irritation of eye. Croupous conjunctivitis; granular lids, with pannus. Iritis, with punctuate deposits on inner surface of cornea. Slight pain, with severe ulceration or inflammation.
Swollen, with tearing pains. Thick, yellow, stringy, fetid discharge. Sharp stitches in left ear.
Pressure and pain at root of nose, and sticking pain in nose. Septum ulcerated; round ulcer. Fetid smell. Discharge thick, ropey, greenish-yellow. Tough, elastic plugs from nose; leave a raw surface. Inflammation extends to frontal sinuses, with distress and fullness at root of nose. Dropping from posterior nares. Loss of smell. Much hawking. Inability to breathe through nose. Dryness. Coryza, with obstruction of nose. Violent sneezing. Profuse, watery nasal discharge. Chronic inflammation of frontal sinus with stopped-up sensation.
Bones sensitive, especially beneath orbits.
Dry; viscid saliva. Tongue mapped, red, shining, smooth, and dry, with dysentery; broad, flat, indented, thickly coated. Feeling of a hair on tongue.
Fauces red and inflamed. Dry and rough. Parotid glands swollen. Uvula relaxed, edematous. Pseudo-membranous deposit on tonsils and soft palate. Burning extending to stomach. Aphthae. Diphtheria, with profound prostration and soft pulse. Discharge from mouth and throat, tough and stringy.
Better: from heat.
Worse: beer, morning, hot weather, undressing.
Read More…
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Fun videos created by someone with too much free time on his hands. Pick a video, then move and/or click your mouse somewhere on the video and watch what happens!
Mount Everest – 360 panoramic view from summit
Breath-taking picture! Notice the person standing on a lower ledge.
Flying Over Planet Earth
Explanation: Have you ever dreamed of flying high above the Earth? Astronauts visiting the International Space Station do this every day, circling our restless planet twice every three hours. A dramatic example of their view was compiled in the above time-lapse video from images taken earlier this month. As the ISS speeds into the nighttime half of the globe, familiar constellations of stars remain visible above. An aerosol haze of Earth’s thin atmosphere is visible on the horizon as an thin multi-colored ring. Many wonders whiz by below, including vast banks of white clouds, large stretches of deep blue sea, land lit up by the lights of big cities and small towns, and storm clouds flashing with lightning. The video starts over the northern Pacific Ocean and then passes from western North America to western South America, ending near Antarctica as daylight finally approaches.
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Are Antibacterial Soaps Helpful or Harmful?