Homeopathic Associates
Newsletter – Homeopathy at Home
Winter 2007 Edition
contact us by phone at: 619-741-5795
via email at: [email protected]
Happy New Year!
For the New Year we want to say THANK YOU to all of our clients, friends and family. Hearing your stories, helping your families when in need, and your support, which comes in all forms (from letters to politicians, to calls and letters of praise, to donations of time and money to meaningful causes) means so much to us. With Homeopathy, the output is great, the work is challenging, but the rewards are vast and we love what we do!
We hear laments over not being able to see us more in person, but we also hear how wonderful it is to be able to call from the comfort of one’s home, not have to find a babysitter, not have to drive 20 minutes or more to the office for a visit, and not having to schedule so much time out of their day! So overall, doing homeopathy via phone and email has been a success.
Additional thanks for all of your feedback and for your encouragement for us to go beyond and dream big. Because of you, we are re-opening the Homeopathic College training program this year, in which we will teach classes geared towards those becoming practitioners as well as towards those who just want to treat themselves and their families. In addition to classroom-style classes, we will offer take-home modules (for distance education), Clinicals (with hours towards certification) and we will have audiotapes/CDs of classes for sale. We are even working on a Beginning Acute/Self Care Course on DVD (we recorded the last class) and hope to have it available later this year!
2007 will be a busy and productive year. Stayed tuned for further developments. And as always, keep your ideas and suggestions coming!
Tips for Using Homeopathy at Home- Part 1
Mixing a remedy in water and Repotentizing
When treating yourself or one of your family members for an acute condition, such as a bruised shinbone or a common cold, most people will use 30 C potencies readily available in your Family Kit or from your local health food store. Many times it will be necessary to repeat a remedy one or more times to completely resolve the situation. In cases such as these, it is helpful to raise the potency of the remedy slightly between each dose to avoid aggravations of symptoms (or to avoid developing symptoms from the remedy, i.e. a “proving” reaction). Just like your chronic remedies, you can take one pellet of the chosen remedy and dissolve it in a bottle with distilled water (up to 4 oz). Once dissolved, succuss (shake against your palm) the bottle 10 times (or stir the solution in a cup with a spoon 10 times) before each dose, effectively raising the potency.
If you do not notice any improvement, or very little improvement in the first 5 doses, switch to a more suitable remedy. If you do not see any improvement with the first 3 or 4 remedy choices, plan to attend our next Acute Self Care Course! In the meantime, you can always give us a call for an acute phone consultation.
After 10 doses (more or less) of any remedy (in C potency), you should “repotentize” the remedy for further effectiveness. To do so, dump the bottle and shake it hard to remove all the water, leaving approximately 1 drop in the bottle. Then add 99 drops of distilled water and succuss the bottle 100 times. You can then fill up the bottle with more water and alcohol (if desired), succuss 10 times and take then next dose.
Arnica and Hypericum – standards in everyone’s remedy kit
If we had a dollar for every time we’ve given, recommended or taken Arnica for a bruise, bump, car accident, shock, etc…or Hypericum for every nerve injury, smashed finger, whiplash, tailbone injury, etc…we’d be RICH!! We have countless stories from people using these remedies for home care and many times, avoiding emergency room and other costly doctor visits. Here are two intriguing stories:
“When my son was 8 months old, his father set him on the kitchen counter with his ‘behind’ as far back as possible to the wall, to ensure his safety. Well, my husband stepped to the side to grab an apple to prepare for him and the baby dove HEAD FIRST off the counter onto our Pergo floor!! Oh, my goodness, we were frantic. My husband had the rightness of mind to get the Arnica 30 C (which he had just dissolved in water the day before after slamming his shin into the new trailer hitch on the back of our car!) and held it under the baby’s nose. The color started to return in his face and he started laughing. A few minutes later, he began to get pale again and drowsy looking so we quickly succussed the bottle and let him sniff it again. This happened a few more times, but each time we were able to go longer between doses. After the 5 dose of Arnica, we gave him a dose of Hypericum 30 C since it is a great remedy for injuries to the spinal column (that includes concussions!). We saw further improvement after a few more doses of each remedy over the next 24 hours and by the 2nd day, there was no bruising and certainly no evidence trauma to the head! Phew!!!” – EC, Durham, NC
“All of the sudden, a car speeding from the right crashed into a car 20 feet in front of me! I was in shock from the sheer violence of the event I had just witnessed. Since I always travel with my kit in my car, I quickly got it out and took a pellet of Arnica 30 C (by the way, for pure mental shock, Aconite is another highly indicated remedy). Immediately I started to feel calm and able to process what I had just seen. In about 30 seconds, I was able to peel myself off my seat and get out of my car. I took my kit and went to survey the damage.
“The first victim I saw, a man, was up and out of his car. I told him I was a homeopath and could offer him some help. He refused and insisted he was fine, he didn’t need anything. So I moved on to the next car (it is useful to note this reaction, “I don’t need any help,” when coming from someone in an accident or with an injury, IS a symptom of Arnica!!). The other car had spun into the gully on the side of road. She had been thrown out of her car and was nearly unconscious. Climbing down there as best I could, I quickly stuck a pellet of Arnica under her tongue and waited. In about 10 seconds, she started moving her hands and shortly there after she opened her eyes and was looking around. Just then, several other people ran down to the gully so I backed off, leaving her in their hands and the hands of God.
“After a police report, I left the accident knowing that I had fulfilled my duty to stop and offer whatever help I could to the injured parties at the accident site. I went on with my and repeated the Arnica one more time and then followed up with a dose of Ignatia amara 30C as I found myself weeping hysterically several hours later.
“One year later I received a phone call from a woman saying, ‘You don’t know me. I looked your name up from the police report. I was on my way to work, then the next thing I remember was going down a tunnel towards the light. Suddenly, I was pulled back, knowing it wasn’t my time- I had to wake up. I opened my eyes and saw a lady with red hair standing over me. Do you have any idea what I am talking about?’ I was speechless. I talked with her a few more minutes and then we hung up. I was so pleased to hear that she had only ended up with some contusions and sprains but no serious injuries and certainly, her head trauma seemed minimal compared to the impact of crashing into the ditch and being flung from the car onto the ground. Above all, she did not die from shock, which is the reason why Arnica should always be given (or taken) after a serious injury. I love homeopathy and practiced professionally for 15 years. This is still my favorite homeopathy story.” – BS, retired Homeopath
Chronicles of a Soap-Shampoo-er Part 2
Many of you have told us of the success you have had with using a diluted vinegar solution to rinse/condition your hair (after using castile soap for shampoo). Here are some of the comments we have received via email and during appointments:

Castile Soap
- “Wow, I can’t believe how silky and smooth my hair was after use”
- “It (my hair) is so manageable! I can brush it and I don’t even have to use conditioner or a detangler.”
- “I use the vinegar rinse as my conditioner after every shampoo (with castile soap) and I love it”
- “It really stinks (the vinegar). I have to rinse with it first, then wash and still, sometimes after I get out of the shower I can smell it. But it does seem to help”
- “Even when I still smell it after I get out of the shower, I don’t care because my baby fine hair looks so healthy and shiny!”
Some suggested delivery systems for the Vinegar Rinse:
-Spray bottle
-Squirt bottle
-Restaurant style ketchup bottle
One client told us that she uses Organic Sparkling Apple Cider. She applies it to her hair and roots and leaves it on for 10-20 minutes and then washes with castile soap. She said it is the single best thing she has ever done for/to her hair. We have experimented with it and had good results, too. We also tried Organic Apple juice mixed 50% with Soda water. That was an OK substitute but not as good as either the Sparkling cider or Vinegar (by the way, just plain Apple Juice was kind of disappointing! I imagine that the extra acid added by the Soda Water helps strip your hair of more soap-residue than the juice alone).
Flax Hair Fixative

Flax seeds
A client of ours who is originally from Poland told us of a hair care recipe from one of her Polish magazines:
1 tbsp Organic Flax seeds**
1 cup Distilled water
Boil the seeds for a few minutes in the water and let them steep for 5-10 minutes. Strain out the seeds and with it will come some of the mucilage. After washing and towel drying your hair, “shampoo-in” the entire amount and then style. She advised to avoid the temptation to just use a partial amount since you obtain MUCH better results by using the whole thing! She told us her hair has never looked better. She has fine hair and used to use a commercial hair-gel to set her rollers. But the “flax-lotion” works better than any hair product she has tried and gives her hair body and shine!
(** You can buy Flax seeds at your nearest health food store in either bags or in bulk)
It’s nice to know that we don’t have to sacrifice neat, clean and groomed hair for good health’s sake. We can have both. And let’s give homeopathy it’s due accolades: after 1 or more years of chronic treatment, many people report the following about their hair: thicker, fuller, shinier, hair looks neater, less oily, less dry, not so brittle/stronger, combs easier, stopped falling out, re-growing, the graying has slowed or stopped. Now try to get those results from a conventional medication!
Take care and good health to you all!!